15 years of experience in freight transportation: Cross trade service to CIS countries & Central Asia, Africa & North Africa...
Project freight forwarding:
- Branch Management
- Business development and implementation of sales strategies
- Commercial negotiation
- Responses to tenders
- Purchases and negotiations with partners
- Analysis of contracts
- Management and implementation of frame contracts
- Risks analysis for the transport of oversized & heavy lift cargoes
- Development of Agent network
- Audits of foreign partners (Agents, Hauliers...)
- Management of project cargoes (multimodal transport: rail, road, sea, river, air)
- Chartering of geared or gearless vessels, ro-ro barges & pontoons( inshore and offshore)
- Chartering of aircrafts (IL76, AN124...)
- Organization, coordination and technical support.
- Handling supervision and coordination: Loading / unloading of ships, mobile cranes…
erection of heavy lift cargoes (jacking, skidding, hydraulic gantry…)
- Lashing as per sea fastening standard
- Abroad: Surveys (road survey, sea or river ports , jobsites…)
- Operating statement analysis of the agency
- Implementation and monitoring of KPIs
- Litigation Management
Mes compétences :
Analyse des risques
Affrètement maritime
Transport et manutention de colis lourds
Saisissage & arrimage maritime
Commissionnaire de transport
Etudes & recherches des solutions multimodales
Pays : UE, CEI, Maghreb, Asie centrale
Réalisation - Appels d'offres & études techniques