
Katarzyna RECEVEUR


En résumé

- Strong passion for human resources area in an international environment;
- Expertise in recruitment, talent developpement, compensation policies, national & international mobility, migration procedures ;
- International work experience areas : Germany, Poland, Italy, France;
- Language skills : native Polish, fluent in English, French and Italian, basic in Spanish.


  • Translation Consulting Career - International - Founder

    2016 - maintenant I work internationally on translation of applications and consulting on professional evolution.
    I propose :
    - translation of CVs & covering letters ;
    - consulting on writing applications ;
    - consulting on recruitment interviews (for individuals and professionals as well) ;
    - mock interviews ;
    - consulting on evolution process ;
    - consulting on evaluation of the employees ;
    - career guidance.

    My services for clients in France are in two languages: French & English. For international clients, I work at most in English.

    The company was founded especially for :
    - companies looking for an HR expert support ;
    - managerial profiles looking for new professional opportunities ;
    - graduated students entering working life ;
    - high schools ;

    Depending on profiles, the service proposed can be held in a multicultural environment. It's realized in a face-to-face interview, by phone or videoconference but also in a workshop session with not more than 8 people.
  • SPIDI - Human Resources & International Business Manager : France, Italy, Poland & Germany

    2014 - 2015 - market development in France
    - HR management of teams located in Poland, Italy and Germany (career development, training program follow-up)
    - recrutement of new talents
    - participation in the steering committee and managerial support
  • Capgemini Aerospace & Defence - Human Resources & International Mobility BP

    Paris 2007 - 2014 - RECRUITMENT : candidate assessment, selection and decision making during meetings with managers, integration follow-up, maintaining of relations with key schools ;

    - INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY : interview with employees wiiling evolve abroad, weekly calls with HRM from different countries, presentation of my employees' applications, mobility procedures ;

    - CAREER MANAGEMENT : participation in annual evaluation committee, salary policy management and managerial support, identification and talent development, advising employees in their career plans, dealing with professional relocation, senior plan following-up, implementation of actions regarding the annual satisfaction survey and presentation to the steering committee ;

    - PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION : advice on work law, relocation process, follow-up of different HR projects ;
  • Airbus France - Translator/Interpreter

    2004 - 2007 - Point of contact in term of information & language skills
    - Wolrdwide contacts support, mainly Germany, England, Spain, Italy, USA...
  • European University Institute (Poland, Germany, France) - Foreign Languages Teacher (English/Italian/French)

    2000 - 2004 - Analysis of individual needs, training planning development;
    - Design of the offer based on the students' needs;
    - Identification of actions to be taken and course preparation;
    - Animation and coordination of courses(communication skills, listening and written skills, lexical & grammatical expertise);
    - Tracking regulatory meetings: consistency of approach and progress review).


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :