Becoming an agile company is a real cultural transition @ the organization level. We have created RUPTURE(21, part of the ZENIKA Group, to provide companies with an unfair ;) range of innovative services to succeed in their agile transition. Our cocktail blends
> "Rupture Douce (c)" : a smart agile way to become agile
> "Playful Facilitation (c)" : facilitation based on innovation games (r) and others to unleash the structured creativity within the organization
> "Sol{evol}utions" : a fusion of Brief Coaching and Systemic Coaching to trigger, foster and make the move
> "Agile Builders (c)" ; a ready-to-use & proof-based eco-system to build your own agile eco-system
- providing agile foundations (processes, roles, tools, ..)
- coaching teams and the management stack to become truly agile
- animating "learn & shar"e across people ( communities of practices, KM 2.0, innovative training, ..)
- orchestrate agile strategy ( portfolio, roadmap, value & risk mgt)
- enable the change at the organization level (beyond the IT space)
Mes compétences :
Facilitation de l'intelligence collective
Investment Banking
Creative Thinking