

En résumé

Mes compétences :
Business Transformation
Risk Management


  • Netemera - Co-fondateur

    2016 - maintenant
  • Benekay & Benekay - Développement d'affaires

    2015 - maintenant Benekay&Benekay est une entreprise internationale de conception, de fabrication et d'approvisionnement offrant une large gamme de vêtements de marque.

  • Leinota - Gérant

    2012 - maintenant The company develops around three pillars :

    1 / The company is focused primarily on small companies with a substantial technology or innovation leverage.
    The company help entrepreneurs, bringing them added value at each chosen steps to build companies able to transform their markets. With industrial partners and investors we introduce very innovative products in such areas as building materials, electronics equipment, and as well as active components with focus on innovative and green solutions. The target zones are essentially Central and Eastern Europe, as well as USA and China.
    Eventually, the company is co-investor in start-ups. It includes the IoT field.

    2/ As second core business, the company also organises the introduction of new products into Europe, organising the distribution and sales directly from production abroad, as :
    - Apparels & textile (Benekay&Benekay): Our flexible production can handle from high-end to medium quality, for big as for smaller quantities, We work with medium to high quality brand names, chain stores, whole sellers and big group of companies.
    - Foods & Beverages products in local markets - focus on quality and unique productions.
    - Consumer electronics (Hewlett-Packard , VuPoint): cameras, Arena MP3 players, and various other devices, as photo printers and scanners. We work with regional distributors.
    - Military and telecom devices and solutions.

    3/ The company realises as well conseil and ad-hoc missions, in process re-engineering, reorganisation and cost optimisation.
  • Orange - Directeur Gestion des Ressources Réseaux

    Paris 2010 - 2012
  • Orange - Directeur Cost Cutting

    Paris 2009 - 2009
  • Orange - Directeur Support Projets Immobiliers

    Paris 2008 - 2008
  • Crédit agricole - Directeur Gestion de Risques & Contrôles

    Montrouge 2007 - 2007
  • Credit Agricole - Resp. organisation

    Montrouge 2005 - 2006



Annuaire des membres :