
Linden COLE


En résumé

J'apporte une vaste expérience dans le renforcement des affaires et de la gestion, y compris dans la planification de nouveaux avenirs, la gestion des changements, la résolution de problèmes dans la gestion et gestion des crises. Je suis un homme qui peux donner un pointe de vue réel et puis les aider gagner les solutions des difficultés.

Avec mes travaux avec ESC Rennes, je travail dans une gamme des sujets généraale, y - compris 'International Trade' et 'International Business and Strategy'. Mes cours sont en Anglais (ma langue maternelle, mais je suis pret a parler en français avec mes étudiants. Les cours en détail sont 'Project Management' (effectivement le gestions des changements ... organisationelle et strategique), 'Managing Cultural Diversity', 'International and Strategic Management' (l'entre dans le sujet de strategie), 'Entrepreneurship and Innovation', et 'Problem Solving in Management' ... comment on peut trouver des solutions des difficultés, et comment on peut les mis en action. Je travail ici en France, et avec UIR à Rabat en Maroc, un des partenaires de ESC Rennes en étrangers.

Avec France Business School à Brest, mes competences sont utilisé dans le sectuer de commerce internationale et managemen interculturel. Avec les Masters je utilise mes experiences de donner des introductions aux marchés internationales. Basé dans un format PESTEL, pour mois c'est plus importante d'aider les étudiantes gagner un comprehension de la culture , plus importante que juste les statistiques ou des finances. A Poitiers, encore mon focus est dans le sectuer de 'International Trade', mais ici je suis associén avec les ethhique de negociation et business internationale et personal selling ... l'importance des choses humane, pas juste le priorité des grandes marques.

Je suis encore pret à vous aider, si vous avez besoin d'un cout de mains. Contactez moi directe svp.

0033 296 13 42 20

Mes compétences :
Développement durable
Performance Improvement
Profit Improvement
Change Management
Management of Diversity


  • ESC Rennes - Professeur Vacataire

    2011 - maintenant I work in a range of subjects linked to International Trade and General Business and Strategic Management. The subjects in detail include Project Management (effectively the management of major changes in organisations), Managing Cultural Diversity, International and Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and Problem Solving in Management ... how to solve organisational, business and strategic problems. My contribution at Rennes is to Masters level, and includes helping students improve their presentation and communication skills. Through Rennes I work at their satelite centre at Redon, and with the International University in Rabat
  • FRANCE BUSINESS SCHOOL - Professeur Vacataire

    2011 - maintenant My main focus with France Business School at Brest is in International Commerce and the area of Intercultural Management. I also introduce Masters students to differing markets, both mature and emerging, using my extensive understanding of differing regions and appreciation of different cultures. Based around a Pestel analysis, I consider it more important to help students understand the region and markets rather that just rely on statistical or financial information. At Poitiers, again my focus is to International Trade, however here I deal more with the issues associated with the ethics of international business and negotiation, and personal selling ... moving back to the importance of understanding and satisfying needs rather than mass marketing techniques. It links very well to my belief that people matter
  • Capalto - Consultant

    2011 - maintenant My aim is to help businesses improve, whether that is by overcoming significant difficulties or achieving demanding strategic objectives. This help could include an analysis of the current problems and plan how to overcome them, a more innovative approach to the market, gaining control of the organisation, or managing major organisational changes such as approaching new export possibilities. Although I can and do offer advice, it is important that the organisation feels that the ideas are theirs, and are therefore committed to the future. I help achieve this, and obviously aim to significantly improve the profitability of the company.
  • French Homes - Entrepreneur

    2006 - 2010 Helping clients achieve their ideas of modifications to their homes here in France. My market was largely those English coming to France to buy and settle here, or create their ideal holiday property.
  • Business Link - Personal Adviser to Entrepreneurs seeking to grow their business

    1996 - 2001 A government initiative to help growth businessess, I was tasked with using my skill and experience to provide help and advice, and access grant funding if appropriate.

    The key words were growth, innovation, e-commerce, technology, entrepreneurship
  • Cobblers - Entrepreneur

    1992 - 1996 On being made redundant, created an organisation to provide sandwiches and filled baguettes with accessories to local business parks. This grew to include buffet lunches, event catering, managing on site faciities and other aspects. Effective 20+ employees
  • Doctus - Consultant Principal / Project Director

    1985 - 1992 Organisation Development Specialist tasked at first with providing specialist expertise and advice, which quickly changed to focus on change management and facilitating specific change programs. I developed a change management program with several others that became a cornerstone of company practice and approach
  • West Glamorgan Istitute of Higher Education - Lecturer

    1983 - 1984 Lectured in Economics, Management and Finance


  • Université Catholique De L'Ouest

    Angers 2009 - 2010 conseil en management en organisation

    Certification de conseil en management

    Institut pour de Développement du Conseil et de l'Entreprise
  • Lancaster University Management School (Lancashire)

    Lancashire 1980 - 1981 Masters of Arts in Business Analysis



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