
Madeleine RENART


En résumé

I am passionated by HR complex and tense issues, with 2 main focus :
* talent acquisition & retention
* staff representation & collective negotiations management

Our world is changing rapidly, let's contribute to change it with a positive impact!

Mes compétences :
Développement de projets
Esprit d'équipe
Gestion de projet


  • Ithaque Richesses Humaines - Project Lead

    2017 - maintenant ITHAQUE représente pour tous la patrie d’Ulysse qu’il tente de rejoindre, dix années durant. Dans cette aventure qu’est l’Odyssée d’Homère, Ulysse nous apprend à piloter, dans un espace sans cesse en mouvements, à agir en toutes circonstances. Il sait aller droit dans les vents contraires, alors que les repères changent à chaque étape.

    Si « nul n’est une île » ; notre monde économique et social reste vaste à atteindre ou à conquérir. ITHAQUE Richesses Humaines est un cabinet de conseil et d’action ; de management et de développement dans le monde professionnel.

    Pour en savoir plus sur nos domaines d'interventions, retrouvez-nous sur
  • SnowBlow - Founder

    2017 - maintenant SnowBlow is born in answering clients needs. They shared with me a need to be creative in finding HR processes that didn't exist for several years and in implementing them. Rapidly and in a very efficient way. HR & legal issues can be so complex in France ... Especially in a context of legal changes at national level.

    SnowBlow is an extremely light structure dedicated to fast-growing companies, from intermediary size (50-500 employees), that are looking for creating and/or structuring their HR organization in order to support their business development.

    Our mission is to help these companies to rationalize, optimize, and secure their HR department, and doing so, their business. We are pragmatic, creative, and we can adjust our approach to every specific context! For any demands, feel free to contact me:
  • Nova - Builder #FutureOfWork @ Nova France

    2017 - maintenant After 6 months of intensive development & structuration of Nova in France, I am focusing in 2018 in bringing experience to the community on my favorite subjects : HR & management issues, future of work, talent development, social & collective negotiations issues.

    At Nova, we believe that the leaders of the 21st century will come from every background. Our mission is to create the trusted community in which their potential can grow so they can positively impact the world.

    Building on the diversity and the complementarity of their backgrounds, we connect Novas with one another and match them with progressive companies so they can discover the opportunities around them, grow as individuals and have a positive impact.
  • GI Group - HR Director France

    2015 - 2017 HR Strategy definition and implementation in France, in a context of strong and fast development

    HR&Legal Department's Creation & Management (3 persons), including following responsibilities:
    * Payroll and Administration
    * Legal Expertise
    * Recruitment Office
    * Talent Development and Training Office
    * Company social negotiations & staff representation bodies' management
    * Coaching for middle managers
  • Parvis des Talents - Animation (volunteer)

    2014 - 2015 Working Communities with unemployed people: animation and organization of weekly meetings
  • Manpower - Head of Worker's unions and staff representation Central Office

    Nanterre cedex 2014 - 2015 Projects Management
    o New process for training sessions dedicated to Unions
    o Online Data Base dedicated to the Staff Representatives (BDES)

    Negotiation Officer
    Agreements / projects redaction ; central office for gathering official unions’ positions ; coordination with the professional trade union

    Agenda Coordination & Planning
    Annual planning of the consultation / information meetings at local and central level; convocation, preparation and monitoring of the central worker council; setting up of collective agreements
  • THYSSENKRUPP ASCENSEURS SAS - Change Manager / HR Manager

    2012 - 2014 HR Projects Management for France:
    * Employees Opinion Study (3500 employees)
    * Sales Force's Reinforcement (recruitment of 30 apprentices)
    * HR Solution Implementation dedicated to “leave period” management (150 employees)

    Change Management for 2 strategic projects (France - 3 500 employees)
    * Restructuring project (including job suppressions)
    * New ERP Implementation (SAP)

    HR Operations Management (HQ - 150 employees)
    recruitment; integration; operational & legal support for managers; expatriations; disciplinary measures; absences; leaves; claims; HR reporting; coordination of annual reviews (evaluation, pay committees, bonus...)
  • Scouts Unitaires de France - Responsible for Pedagogy (volunteer)

    2008 - 2012 • Recruitment and management of teams (30 persons)
    • Animation of a national network (250 units in France, 25 000 adherents)
    Long-term reflection about the development of the association (+4% / year)
    • Training: conception and animation of training sessions (7 sessions / year)
    Elaboration of a training path for executives
    • Communication: animation of an editorial board (6 publications / year)



Annuaire des membres :