


En résumé

I have been a management consultant for more than 20 years and a Partner with Accenture for 8 years, dedicated to Human Capital Strategy, Talent management and Change management.
After 15 years in Paris I have extensively worked in Asia since 2007, first in Singapore and then in Beijing, where I have moved end 2009 as to set up my own consulting company, Marc Hauser Consultants


  • Marc Hauser Consultants - Dirigeant & Fondateur

    2012 - maintenant Marc Hauser Consultants is a Management Consulting company based in Beijing, which aims at helping companies and organizations increase their profitability by improving their efficiency and effectiveness.
    This is achieved by better aligning culture and values to strategy and business objectives, monitoring behaviors and culture, designing state-of-the-art organizational structures and managing change.
  • Accenture - Partner

    Paris 1990 - 2010


  • Essec

    Cergy Pontoise 1985 - 1988 ESSEC

    + DECF


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