
Margaux Sarah DELALOIX


En résumé

R&D Scientist in immunology and biotechnology

4-5 years of experience in scientific deliverables management, academic research, development of biochemistry/immunological methods and biotech processes.

Enthusiastic and proactive collaborator with a great sense of team spirit and positive/open communication.
Oriented to new challenges and self-development. Proven abilities in organization, analysis, management and technical skills.
Seeking for new opportunities to share all my expertise, abilities and qualities with a R&D enterprise aiming to develop solutions improving the public health against unmet medical needs.

Mes compétences :
Pack office
Bonnes pratiques de laboratoire
Initiative et autonomie
Autonomie et sens de l'adaptation
Travail en équipe
Biologie moléculaire
Culture cellulaire
Extraction ARN/ADN
Test de cytotoxicité
Western Blot
Dot Blot
Transfection en cellules eucaryotes
Production de vecteurs recombinants


  • Merck - Process validation scientist, expert - USP

    Lyon 2019 - maintenant Project scientist / Process validation Expert, USP - Biotech Process Sciences (BPS) department
    Merck Group - temporary position until December 31th, 2019
    Affected to multiple projects at different stages, act as a BPS validation team member and USP expert
    • Contact point for expertise to Manufacturing, USP, DSP, Analytics, support, QC and QA department
    • In charge of unexpected events investigations (deviations, investigations on root cause)
    • Responsible for validation deliverables:
    o Collect data about cell culture process performances indicators and product quality
    o Analyze and interpret in order to integrate in reports
    o Write/edit (author or co-author), review, approve reports on Upstream process development/validation: stability study, development process, model suitability/qualification, range confirmation, assessment reports on small-scale and large-scale experiments
  • Université de Lausanne - Postdoctoral scientist

    2017 - 2017 Scientist, post-doctoral - research on the improvement of new biotech methods at lab-scale model
    Lausanne University (UNIL-EPFL), center for Biotechnology
    In charge of improvement of the recombinant cell lines selection method based on vitamin metabolism
    • Writing lab-book, reports and protocols
    • Design and execution of experimentations:
    o Generation of recombinant mouse stem cells and CHO cell lines producing therapeutics or monoclonal antibody
    o Screening of optimal cell culture conditions in minimal vitamin medium by studying cell growth and viability assays
  • CHUV, Laboratoire R&D du service IAL - Ph.D Student

    2013 - 2016 Research scientist, PhD student - academic research and clinic trial lab on mucosal immunity and infectious diseases
    Lausanne University State Hospital (CHUV), Division of Immunology and Allergy - R&D laboratory
    In charge of a research project: Retrotransport of secretory IgA by the human Transferrin receptor through intestinal epithelial cells
    • Writing lab-book, reports, protocols, scientific article and thesis manuscript
    • Analysis of results by bioinformatics and statistical tools
    • Design, development, and execution of experimentations:
    o Development of in vitro models for study of protein-protein interactions (adherent and polarized Caco-2 cells)
    o Development of immuno-assays, multi-color flow cytometry and histological analysis
    o Establishment of CHO cell lines overexpressing a cell surface protein (transfection and clones expansion/selection)
  • Pierre Fabre - Junior research scientist

    Castres 2013 - 2013 Junior research scientist, master thesis - Pierre Fabre, Dermo-cosmetic branch, cell-pharmacology team
    Project: Development of Atopic Dermatitis (AD) in vitro model, research of new biomarkers
    • Efficiency and toxicology assessment of new active substances (gene expression and cell phenotype analyses)
    • Preparation of human RNA samples for DNA micro-arrays and analysis of DNA micros-arrays on Ingenuity
  • Inserm, équipe EA3175 Avenir, Limoges, CNR du Cytomégalovirus - Lab technician

    PARIS 13 2011 - 2011 Lab. Technician, internship position - University hospital of Limoges, UMR CHU - INSERM - UniLim 1092
    Project: Development of in vitro expression model of Cytomegalovirus terminases
    • Construction of recombinant plasmids/vectors expressing viral proteins
    • Transfection of recombinant plasmids/vectors in mammalian cell lines
  • La Poste - Student job in Post Office

    Paris-15E-Arrondissement 2009 - 2013 2009 to 2013, during school holidays and weekend in Limoges and Paris
    Customer relationship, sales and advice (in mail or article shipment, cell phone products and services, international money transfers) and bank operations/services
  • INRA Tours, UR IASP, Equipe Immunologie aviaire - Lab technician

    2009 - 2009 Lab. Technician, internship position - INRA - UMR 1282 ISP - team VIA
    Project: Purification and characterization of avian chemokines
    • Purification of recombinant avian proteins by chromatography from bacterial clones
    • Characterization of recombinant avian proteins by immunological and bioanalytical assays


  • Université De Lausanne (UNIL) (Lausanne)

    Lausanne 2013 - 2016 PhD student
  • Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier

    Toulouse 2012 - 2013 Master 2 Professionnel

    Course in immunology, vectorology, genetic, molecular biology, gene therapies and vaccinology.
    Drafting and oral presentation of a research paper: Development of a vaccine against Chikungunya infection (literature review, identification of the most antigenic viral protein and anti Chik immune response and evaluation of the best strategy for producing the antigen)
  • Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot

    Paris 2011 - 2012 Master 1 IMVI

    Course in immunology, virology, pathogenic guest relations, Immunophysiopathology at Medecine school in the University Paris Descartes, pharmacogenetics, biochemistry, molecular biology and physiology / bacterial genetics
    group work on scientific papers for oral presentations
    practical work in immunology, molecular biology and virology
  • Université Des Sciences De La Rochelle

    La Rochelle 2009 - 2011 Licence

    degree in biology biochemistry (second and third year )

    courses in biochemistry, spectral analysis, physiology, metabolism, immunology, virology, structural biochemistry, protein characterization, molecular biology, cell biology.
  • IUT Génie Biologique

    La Rochelle 2007 - 2009 DUT Génie Biologique

    Courses in food technology, chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology
  • Lycée Raoul Dautry

    Limoges 2005 - 2007 Baccalauréat technologique


Annuaire des membres :