Zeppelin is a specialist of storage silos, conveying, dosing & weighing systems for Polymers, Rubber and Plastic bulk material. I cover the France to answer customers requests, highly supported by the german headquarters. I also support international projects. I have experience in commissioning in the USA and INDIA.
I propose 100 years old expertise of Zeppelin, high quality equipments, installation on site by our experimented technicians in mechanics, in automatism, and also for commissioning.
I am very attached to work very close to the customers in order to reach the highest level of service.
I would be very happy to discuss with you about your projects.
email: nicolas.bonnet@zeppelin-france.com
Mes compétences :
Déterminer les priotités
Rédiger un rapport
Me conformer aux règles de sécurité
Mettre en place ds protocoles
Manager une équipe de 5 à 8 personness