


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Market research
International Business
Business Development
Management Consulting


  • Accenture - Financial Services Senior Consultant

    Paris 2010 - maintenant - Project Lead for product catalog development (top 3 Bank): improved existing products and developed new products; launched new channels; identified new opportunities and increased customer based; prepared business cases and calculated future revenue
    - Project management officer for corporate strategy development project(top 3 Bank): coordinated all project activates across different teams, provided effective communication, followed up deadlines, prepared daily reports, supported with implementation of new change initiatives
  • Faurecia Siège Social - Business Development Assistant pour un projet d’acquisition en Russie

    2008 - 2008 • Analyse financière, stratégique et commerciale de différents scénarios
    • Analyse SWOT et étude des risques du projet
    • Développement de partenariats locaux
    • Missions de support juridique: rédaction de documents d’homologation, traduction de contrats, participation à des négociations
  • BNP PARIBAS Arval - International Business Unit Assistant

    2008 - 2010 - Developed and implemented the Key Account Management Strategy for 9 international subsidiaries and 20 clients. Developed segmentation model based on Client Portfolio analysis (bank expected revenue and risks, client financial results)
    - Developed and implemented new subsidiaries performance management reporting format (KPIs, simplified structure)
    - Supported salesforce.com CRM system implementation and educated over 500 users: prepared training materials, conducted training sessions, analyzed results and made improvement recommendations
  • Deloitte - Corporate Strategy and Business Development Assistant

    Puteaux 2007 - 2008 • Mise en conformité de la politique de formation avec la stratégie groupe
    • Organisation de sessions de formation
    • Définition du plan de formation
    • Etablissement des budgets de formation


  • Institut D'Administration Des Entreprises EIM, master pro

    Lille 2008 - 2009 International Business
  • State University Of Management (Moscow)

    Moscow 2007 - 2008 Strategic and Risk Management

    Human Resource management
  • Jyväskylä Polytechnic Business School (Jyvaskyla)

    Jyvaskyla 2006 - 2007 International exchange program

    Global Business Management Department


Annuaire des membres :