Capgemini Technology Services SAS
- Technical Team Leader
2013 - maintenant
Client : GIP Guichet Entreprise
Project : IF Streamlining – An iteratively project to redesign the existing site in order to improve performances and maintainability
Role: Technical Team Leader
Technical Environment : Java/J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, Drupal 7
Capgemini Technology Services SAS
- Technical Project Manager
2013 - maintenant
Client : CAPGEMINI France
Project : App-Store– Establishment of an intranet on intellectual property
Role: Project Manager
Mission :
- Lead the project with an Agile methodology
- Performing a Cagemini internet App-store on reusable components
- Project management
- Design specification
- Time and budget management
Technical Environment : Jahia , jQuery, JSP, JEE, Spring, Eclipse, Tomcat, Maven2
Capgemini Technology Services SAS
- Project Manager
2013 - 2014
Client : La Poste
Project : Bal Reverse – : Collection of certified mails by postman in their distribution
Role : Project manager
- Team management
- Lead the project with an Agile methodology
- Implementation of monitoring processes of projects : quantification in complexity points
- Establishing a monitoring tool of Agile projects
- Automated functional tests
- Time and budget management
Technical Environment : LAMP, Architecture REST, XHTML atoms in mySQL database; Automated functional tests - Selenium tool ; project : Agile and Jira tool (Greenhoper)
- Software architect
2012 - 2013
Client: MMA (Mutuelles du Mans Assurances)
Technical foundation necessary for future MMA applications. (mma.fr, clients applications, agencies ...)
Developing and making available for MMA a framework :
- Compliant with current standards, ensuring openness and sustainability,
- Responding to issues of productivity,
- Promoting the multi-device and multi-channel.
- Works on the backlog (Agile methodology), Agile facilitator.
- Help the choices and orientations architectures.
- Workshops for writing Users Stories and prioritization of the Product Backlog.
- Interface with projects using the Framework.
Technical achievements:
- Works on mobile developments (X-plateform, native, Web, Mobile Web Application Gateway ...)
- Creation of the MV strategy testing
- Setup the API governance.
- Security Management with Spring Security
- Creation of a "white" application integrating communications REST, SOAP, application cache & Http parallel calls.
Technical Environment: Grails, Spring Security, Html5, PhoneGap, J2EE, Spring Core, SOAP, REST
- IT engineer / Team Leader
2012 - 2012
Client: ANTS (Agence Nationale des Titres sécurisés)
Recasting the Information System of the license to comply with the European format.
Management license involves many entities: prefectures, eight ministries, and "partners" in the private sphere (educational institutions in driving, medical officers, etc.)..
By its nature, the European project is highly visible both internally and externally.
Technical Environment: J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, SOA Architecture 5 layers, Design UML, Spring Batch
- ScrumMaster / Senior software engineer
2011 - 2012
Client: APEC
SaaS (Software as a Service) web software for skills assessment managment.
- Developments on the Open Source Framework XML Field
- Implementation of REST services & pages,
- Facilitator (ScrumMaster - AGILE project methodology),
- Participation in workshops functional and ergonomic
- Writing User Stories.
- Animation the daily scrum, sprint review, sprint retrospective.
- Use of tools (Confluence, Jira, Jenkin, Sonar)
- Senior software engineer
2009 - 2011
Client: French Postal Services
Development of an industrial software for monitoring mail delivery
- Agile Methodology project with the use of MDA (CIM, PIM, PSM)
- Management of prints XHTML & SVG with strong performance constraints (80 000 prints / day)
- Use of collaborative tools (Confluence, BaseCamp, Sourceforge)
- Run business & ergonomic workshops and monitoring their implementation,
- Collaboration in acceptance tests,
- Support the reversibility of the software,
- Design of services (REST) & pages.
- Software engineer
2007 - 2009
Client : Project for the Public Transit Operator of Paris
Main Technologies: J2EE, JBoss Rules (Drools), MDA