


En résumé

Dirigeant expérimenté dans le management et le développement d'activités à fortes croissances s'appuyant sur l'élaboration d'une Stratégie Digitale et l'accompagnement à la transformation des usages.

Forte expérience acquise pendant plus de vingt ans en environnement international et multi culturel dans des fonctions de direction liées au business développement, au marketing, à l'innovation des business models et à l'accompagnement au changement.

Excellente maîtrise de l'ensemble des paramètres de la stratégie numérique associés aux marchés des services B2B ou B2C, en modes directs et indirects, ou en mode réseau; marchés Grands Comptes, MidMarket, et PME.

Conduite du changement et consulting auprès des directions générales, commerciales, marketing, techniques et du terrain. Elaboration et pilotage de partenariats stratégiques commerciaux et techniques.

Maîtrise des environnements technologiques numériques : Cloud Computing, SaaS, Paas, Réalité Augmentée, Réalité Virtuelle, M2M, Nouvelles Interfaces, Mobilité, Digital Signage, CRM, ERP, Dématérialisation, Réseaux Sociaux d'Entreprise, VoIP, portails collaboratifs. Connaissance experte de l'ensemble des solutions Microsoft.

20+ années d'expérience. T.O.E.I.C. 935 pts/990.


Mes compétences :
Business developpement
Cloud computing
Grands comptes
Managed Services
Marketing management
partner management
Saas Cloud


  • CSC - Director, Cloud Computing, South & West EMEA

    MONTAUBAN 2012 - maintenant Leading the Cloud Computing for CSC, New Business Solutions & Services, South & West EMEA.
  • Neos-SDI - Director, Cloud Computing & Innovation Center

    Paris 2010 - 2012 Digital Business Transformation consulting division aims at providing consulting and operational services to large enterprises, midmarket companies, ISVs, carriers, and public sector structures.

    Based on high level senior consultants with deep experience in their vertical markets, we help your organisation to use digital technologies - such as Cloud Computing, Mobility, New Interfaces, Digital Signage... - to build and operate a Digital Strategy and radically improve performance and reach yours customers effectively.

    The Innovation Center is a space in center Paris dedicated to demonstrating new innovations uses which lead to developing disruptive and more efficient business use.

    Our Innovation Center, 360° Immersion Experience, or Blue Ocean Digital Strategy Briefing will guide you to adopting a disruptive innovation process.
  • YouSAAS - Directeur General

    2008 - 2010 YouSAAS is a global Software as a Service provider that offers ISV’s and resellers an innovative, shared platform for SAAS solutions.

    With our high-availability infrastructure, know-how and easy deployment plan YouSAAS is able to transform web based and conventional software into SAAS. YouSAAS 3 step plan covers all necessary actions from analyses to go live.

    The YouSAAS platform offers provisioning, licensing, billing, logging, uploading, partner management, etc. Thanks to YouSAAS, software companies can get their software online without having to develop specific multi-tenant, web based versions. They can now offer their clients real SAAS-solutions through the Internet. ISVs SaaS Readiness assessment through our Business Design Session, YouSAAS Professional Services.
  • Groupe ESIEA - Member of the Board

    IVRY SUR SEINE 2004 - maintenant
  • Resadia - CEO / Directeur Délégué

    pantin 2002 - 2008 Leading French IP Solutions Integrator group.
    Resadia designs, integrates and administers secured and real-time VoIP communications solutions.
    601 M€, 480 sales force, 3,500 technical experts, 80,000 midmarket customers.
    Resadia has become the leading French IP Solutions Integrator group.

    * Developed the services turnover: 40% of the overall turnover in 2002 to 55% in 2005. Global turnover raised an average 12%/year.
    * Merged the 110M€ Resatis network and the IT-focused 450M€ Aredia network joined forces to create the leading national network for IT and Telecommunications Services Distribution and Integration named Resadia.
    * Overachieved annual partnership sales targets in 2002,2004.
    * Developed and marketed new managed solutions increasing the services turnover by more than 10% per year.
    * Managed Resatis from 2002, increasing the turnover by 27% the first year and multiplying by 2.4 the net income over turnover ratio, doubling the own capital stocks.
  • Quantic Dream - COO / Directeur Général

    Paris 2001 - 2002 Software Editor.
    * Managed a 60M$ and 50 employees business development.
    * Was In charge of the production of the multimedia software product.
    * Opened a San Francisco based sales office.
    * Handled relationship with the board of capital equity investors.
    * Won 6 M$ of governmental and industrial grants to help fund the software development.
  • CTS - Cril Telecom Software - Director of Technology / Directeur Division Marketing & Production

    1999 - 2000 Software Editor.
    * Spin-off mission of a 50 people computer services department out of a 1000 people IT services group.
    * Turned it into an autonomous computer software development company.
    * Redesigned the internal structure and procedures by working closely with the VP Quality;
    * Delivered new software projects in time to the International panel of operators and regulators while they had a overdelay of 20% to 30% before the redesign.
    * Greatly improved the visibility, control, and quality insurance of the whole software development process;
    * Managed the Software Product Lines Development Strategy.
    * Managed a team of over 40 developers and 3 team leaders.
    * Hired 10 new people to join the development team.
    * Conceived a new software architecture using third-level object oriented and web based architectures.
    * Applied Change management, Team management, Business process & operations management skills.
  • Sim Team - CEO / Co-Founder

    1998 - 1999 *Co-created the company and managed it.
    *Grew the company to up to 7 people and 10M$ turnover within the first year in integrating Hardware and Software , doing consulting, services, and application development using virtual reality, 3D interactive graphics, stereovision, man to machine interfaces, haptics, for key accounts communication and collaborative working within industrial projects.
    * Main duties included Management, P&L, Sales and Presales, Marketing, Finance, and Accounting.
  • Alias Wavefront - Silicon Graphics - Software Engineering

    1997 - 1998 Alias Wavefront, Subsidiary of Silicon Graphics Inc.. World wide leadership position in 3D Graphics Software Development for the entertainment and industrial design markets.
    *Was decreed the technical academy award winning - Oscar statuette - as a member of the R&D and engineering team which developed the Maya software package.
    *Conceived and deployed a quality supervision programme which allowed the R&D teams spread over Seattle, Santa Barbara, Vancouver, Toronto and Paris to automatically get daily quality analysis and non regression tests. This project helped delivering time to market best quality Maya 1.0 Software.
    *Worked in a highly collaborative environment using all the available IT channels - phone calls, emails, video conferences, ftp, intranet, voice mails ... - with almost 120 people spread over 6 locations, in a multi cultural environment.
  • Commission Européenne - European Expert

    Bruxelles 1997 - maintenant * Audited DGXIII european projects in Brussels as a European Expert in the area of multimedia and real time networking collaborative communication solutions.
    * Performed project management / cost&risk audits, technical audits and strategic business audits.
  • Medialab - Canal+ - Head of virtual reality and special projects

    1991 - 1997 Canal+ Group. World wild leadership in VR and RealTime 3D graphics Animation and Rendering.
    *Created the industrial VR department - 0 to 12 M$/yr - winning an international call for tenders by the European Space Agency. 0 to 12 M$/yr.
    *Hired and managed a dedicated team of up to 9 people.
    *Moved a R&D software to a worldwide selling VR product.
    *Managed presales, project breakdown and risk and cost analysis.
    *Managed simultaneous industrial and broadcast projects in industrial simulations, Live Broadcasting, Scientific visualizations, Realtime character performance animation.
    *Managed the first in the world real time TV broadcast of a sport event with Enhanced 2D/3D graphics for the America's Cup San Diego international broadcast center.
    *Developed new mocap algorithms for performing realtime facial animation.
    *Worked with Moebius - Jean Giraud - on the first worldwide full length 3D movie project Starwatcher.
    *Conducted strategic studies in synchronizing a 110 people project.
  • Groupe ESIEA - Computer Graphics Teacher

    IVRY SUR SEINE 1990 - 2002 * Teached computer graphics to around 200 students on an average of 15 days per year in parallel of my main professional duties during vacations time.



Annuaire des membres :