Une conviction : le développement durable, loin d'être une contrainte, est une opportunité de développement humain, économique et sociétal.
Au delà des discours alarmistes et pompeux des actes !
Professionnel de la communication et du développement durable depuis plus de 20 ans,mon parcours professionnel m’a amené à intervenir dans des univers variés (mais non contradictoires) allant de la culture au service public en passant par le commercial.
Mon évolution personnelle m’a permis de développer des compétences reconnues particulièrement dans les domaines de la stratégie globale de communication, du management (direct ou indirect) d’équipes pluridisciplinaires, du lobbying et de la communication interpersonnelle.
Delegate for Regional Development / Sustainable Economy for La Poste Group in Languedoc-Roussillon.
My main missions are to coordinate and deploy the strategy for Sustainable Economic Development of the group, to insure cooperation with partners and to reinforce global performance while integrating sustainable development issues in the development strategy of the regional territory.
My professional background is wide-ranging, from the fields of culture to relations with government administrations and services, as well as that of sales.
I held, amongst other positions, that of Public Relations Director for La Poste in the French département Alpes-Maritimes, Head of External Communications, Territorial Planning and Urban Affairs Policy for La Poste in the PACA and Languedoc-Roussillon Regions, then for the Bourgogne and Rhône-Alpes Regions. I 'm also in charge of Public Relations for a company specialising in publishing and developing entertainment for children.
Apart from this functions with the La Poste Group, Pierre Billet is also:
• Founding member and secretary of SoEco (an NGO working with regional businesses committed to Sustainable Development).
• Regional Representative of Culture Papier for Languedoc-Roussillon.
• Vice-President of the Nîmes Metropolitan Area Sustainable Development Council.
• Member of the Montpellier Metropolitan Area Orientation Board for Agenda 21.
• Member of the Territorial Development Commission of MEDEF 34.
• Ambassador of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry 34 and member of the RSE Commission.
• President of Cité Cap (an NGO working for the social integration of teenagers and young adults in great difficulty).
One main conviction: Sustainable Development, far from being a constraint, is an opportunity for human, economic and societal development.
Mes compétences :
Développement durable
innovation ouverte
transformation numérique