


En résumé

Aeronautical Engineer with a specialization in Business & Management.
Currently Process Referential Manager for Airbus.
I am looking for an opportunity in Porcess Improvement in France or abroad. I will be available in January 2015.

Mes compétences :
Pack office
Catia v5


  • Alten - Safety Item Manager

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2017 - maintenant Since February 2017: Subcontractor for Airbus Operations S.A.S

    Department: Quality Programme A350
    Objective: Management & Follow-up of A350 SARIs (SAfety Related Items)
  • Alten - Quality Engineer Consultant

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2015 - 2017 Since February 2015: Subcontractor for Airbus Operations S.A.S

    Department: Quality Programme A350: Compliance
    Objective: Ensure the compliance with the Production Organization Approval

    Mission: Drumbeat all topics linked to POA for the Programme A350 through a monthly A350 POA Review meeting:
    - EASA audit planning review & drumbeat of findings closure.
    - Internal audit planning & follow up of findings closure.
    - To review of the Significant Changes in Airbus way of working to be communicated to EASA.
    - To report any risk POA related and to investigate on the root cause and action plan.
    - To maintain up to date an "A350 POA Health Report"​ (one page summary of all open topics related to POA).
    - To provide A350 POA Awareness session to FAL Quality team.
  • Airbus - Process Referential Manager

    Blagnac 2014 - 2014 - Support the process modeling: Review and comment the process flowchart, ensure the adherence of the process with the Airbus Process Map, check the inputs and outputs (number, name of messages between processes...).
    - Prepare the Shopping Card for the process modeling on request of Process Owners: Follow the different modeling steps and establish the Purchase Order.
  • Airbus - Support to the EN9100 & ISO14001 Certification Manager

    Blagnac 2014 - 2014 - Establish the Company Surveillance Directive: Support for the definition of the Field of Requirements "Surveillance", extracting relevant requirements from EN9100, ISO14001, EASA Part 21, Part 145, Part M, and Part 147, and transforming them into Airbus Business Requirements.
    - Prepare the Work Specification for the selection of the EN 9100 & ISO 14001 Certification Body
    - Prepare the 2014-2016 roadmap for the process MC.PO.03 - Manage Company Audits: Establish the planning of process activities, and determine the workload for each actors.
  • SIRA Equipements - Internship: Quality Engineer

    2013 - 2013 Production control department:
    - Update of the monitoring and measuring system,
    - Planning of calibration/verification of equipment and cost study,
    - Creation of a database in VBA code
  • PEECAD (Projet Etudiant de l'ESTACA pour la Construction d'un Aérostat Dirigeable) - Responsable du pôle charge utile

    2011 - 2013 A project to design and build an ecological and autonomous dirigible:
    - Treasurer of the project
    - Coordinator of the “payload and equipment” team: selection of the thermal camera
  • Water Sports 13 - Accueil clients et surveillance en mer

    2011 - 2011 Customers’ reception, equipment organization and offshore activities supervision
  • Comité des fêtes de "Le Chambon" - Membre bénévole

    2010 - 2010 Organisation des évènements, accueil des touristes, ventes diverses, création d'un site internet...


  • Oulu University Of Applied Sciences OAMK (Oulu)

    Oulu 2013 - 2014 Business and Management

    Levallois Perret 2011 - 2014 Diplôme d'Ingénieur ESTACA
  • Lycée L'Emperi

    Salon De Provence 2009 - 2011


Annuaire des membres :