
Sébastien DUFAUT


En résumé

> Dual strategic and operational business experience within leading companies:
-Elaboration of relevant go-to-market strategies
-Successful development, launch and management of innovative services and solutions
-Effective definition and implementation of holistic branding and communication strategies
-Active business development support from lead generation to deal closing
> Expertise in telecommunications/high-tech and utilities/energy industries
> Significant know-how on B2B and on B2C markets
> Ability to manage fast changing unstructured environments (technological breakthrough, deregulation)
> Multi-functional and cross-cultural team management, coaching and training

Mes compétences :
Bid management
Business Analysis
Business development
Communication B2B
Go to market
High tech
Lead generation
Management d'équipe
Management d’équipe
Management projet
Market Strategy
Marketing produit
Marketing stratégique
Product marketing


  • Tl (Transports de Lausanne) - Head of marketing

    2011 - maintenant
  • BRP (Bombardier Recrational Products) - Senior Marketing Manager

    2010 - 2011 Set-up and implement go-to-market international strategies for 3 product lines (Ski-Doo, Sea-Doo and Evinrude)
  • The Creative Factory - Managing consultant

    Francheville 2007 - 2009 -Developed and implemented branding and communications strategies for major players in the utilities/energy industry
    -Managed strategic, creative and sales teams and interfaced with clients at CxO level
    -Gained and renewed annual consulting contracts (CHF+ 2 million)
  • T-Systems (Deutsche Telekom Group) - Marketing Manager

    2002 - 2007 Marketing Manager for T-Systems International (HQ in Francfort-Germany)
    -Built-up and drove an international 6-member task force in the frame of TSI global, cross-divisional and strategic “T-Systems IP Revolution” project
    -Developed and launched a competitive and profitable IP-MPLS VPN global services offering portfolio for Multinational companies
    -Positioned TSI in the “leader quadrant” of Gartner “Network Service Providers marketplace analysis 2006”
    -Generated € + 1.5 billion revenues in 3 years (exceeded sales target by 50%)
    -Increased profitability by 25%

    Segment Marketing Manager for T-Systems Business Services (HQ in Bonn-Germany)
    - Supervised marketing sub-project team in the frame of “T-Systems transformation” project
    -Changed TSBS technical based market approach into a client oriented strategy
    -Reshaped TSBS German SMEs telecommunications services portfolio
  • Valoris - Senior consultant

    2000 - 2002 Coordinated consulting teams and liaised with clients key interfaces
    Gained and supported consulting contracts management

    Senior Consultant for major telecommunications players:
    > Created Orange Enterprises business intelligence activity
    > Built-up and launched Cegetel virtual call center service for Large Enterprises
    > Developed and launched C&W international internet access service
    > Accompanied Kaptech wholesale business unit creation
  • T-Systems (Deutsche Telekom Group) - Marketing Manager

    1997 - 2000 Marketing Manager of the Wholesale and Distributors Business Unit
    -Recruited and managed a team of 3 product managers
    -Built-up T-Systems France indirect sales approach to address Small & Medium Enterprises and consumers markets
    -Educated stakeholders (T-Systems organization, partners, regulation authority)
    -Made T-Systems France become the 2nd largest wholesale service provider on the French market
    -Developed revenues from € 0 in 1998 to € +200 million in 2000

    Product Manager in the Enterprise Business Unit
    -Interfaced with sales, technical, legal and finance departments
    -Developed and launched first T-Systems telephony service for Large Enterprises
    -Positioned T-Systems France as a global player on the newly French telecommunications deregulated market
    -Launched the 1st alternative telephony offering on the French market
    -Developed revenues from € 0 in 1997 to € +20 million in 1998
  • Euromedien Babelsberg GmBH (Vivendi Group) - Project Manager

    1995 - 1997 Project Manager (in the frame of my civil service)
    -Worked directly with Euromedien CEO and CFO
    -Supported Euromedien Babelsberg Telecommunications Business Unit sale (5 FTEs, 1 fiber network, 150 long term telecommunications services contracts with enterprises located on Babelsberg Media City area)to Deutsche Telekom for DM + 37 million (vs target: DM 30-40 million)



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