After having succed in fundamental research field, my new goal is to perfom a carrer in clinical research in order to develop inovative pharceutical tools obtained from aquatic organisms.
• Clinical Research Associate (January 2010) : in training course at CLINACT Formation, Sevres. Knowledge of legislation and Regulations (BPC, GCP), Setting in situation of the different visits of monitoring, Creation of a valid Case Report Form from a valid protocol.
• PhD in neuroscience (2007-2009) : Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle of Paris
« Study of neurotoxins and bioactive compounds isolated from aquatic organisms and microorganisms», Very honorable with congratulation from the jury.
Under the direction of Dr. Jordi Molgo, Laboratoire de neurobiologie moléculaire et cellulaire, Institut de neurobiologie Alfred Fessard, CNRS, 91198 Gif sur Yvette.
Grant : Délégation Générale pour l’Armement, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
• Pharm D: (2001 – 2006) : Pharmacy faculty of Tours, Philippe Maupas
• Master 2 «Toxines et écosystèmes» (2006) : Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle of Paris
“Identification of neutralizing mimotopes at the surface of the anthrax toxin”, First in class.
• Master 1 «Medical and Biological Sciences» (2005) : Pharmacy faculty of Tours, Philippe Maupas
- UNITE INSERM 618 : “Protéases et vectorisation pulmonaire“ UFR de Pharmacie of Tours
February to mars 2005 “Targeting of gene transfert by the use of type 16 papillomavirus pseudo-capside to pulmonary epithelial cells”
- LABORATOIRE DE MICROBIOLOGIE D3M ; Bretonneau hospital of Tours
July 2004 « Studying method of HIV-1 mantel glycoprotein intracellular trafficking “
- LABORATOIRE D’IMMUNOLOGIE EA 3249 ; Bretonneau hospital of Tours
July 2003 « Optimization of a genotyping technique for the 289 G/A polymorphism of IGHG1 gene».
Mes compétences :
Recherche clinique