From July 2012, Post-doc in USDA-ARS Florida, working on sensory quality of citrus products.
From Ap.2009 to March 2012: PhD employee in a French liqueur company: La Société des Produits Marnier-Lapostolle in collaboration with AgroParisTech, Massy - France.
Working on the bitter orange aroma obtained by maceration-distillation process. Acquired skills:
- Collect knowledge in the literature about bitter orange essential oil (location, process of extraction, aroma compounds, degradation, deterpenation…)
- Organisation/Management of interns, technicians from the lab and staff from the company to organize experiments, sensory analyses (bitterness of the orange and aroma compounds identification by GC-Olfactometry) and thermodynamic projects (determination of liquid-vapour equilibria of aroma compounds)
- Be in the interface of the lab and the company: Communication and adaptation to the industrial world. 3 years of experience in industry
- Participate in management meetings
- Communicate in public the results of my research through team meetings, international conferences (Italy, South of Africa) and scientific articles (2 written and 2 in progress).
- Good knowledge of GC-MS/FID, Olfactometry, HPLC-UV, copper stills, software (BatchColumn de ProSim®) to simulate batch distillations
Mes compétences :
Chimie analytique