
Stephane VIEZ


En résumé

Directeur Financier
Groupes internationaux industrie et services
7 ans d'experience en fusions & acquisitions
Sciences po paris + DESCF


  • Fiducial - Directeur controle de gestion - budget

    Courbevoie 2014 - maintenant Pilotage des resultats, optimisation de la performance operationnelle. Gestion des operations de croissance externe, organisation du business model groupe, integration des acquisitions, refonte du systeme de reporting groupe
  • Iveco Spa - Directeur financier Groupe

    2010 - 2014 IVECO Group : Trucks & Commercial vehicles manufacturer;€10bn revenues (50% outside Europe), 25000 employees, Joint-ventures in China, Russia & AME.

    Finance team : 750 heads
    Finance budget : €80mn
    Finance function responsibilities : Consolidation & reporting, financial & strategic planning, operations & projects business control, Accounting & Internal Control, Taxes, treasury & FX hedging, business analysis & analysts presentations, insurances, real Estate management

    FIAT INDUSTRIAL spin off & 2011 IPO management regarding Iveco matters (representing 40% of FI revenues): Consob documentation, Roadshows, legal entities reshaping,...;
    industrial footprint restructuring : 7 plants closed in 2011 & 2012 in Europe, leading to €150mn fixed costs savings runrate;
    international partnerships projects (Daimler; Kamaz);
    Barclay's Trucks Financial Services buyout : €3bn customers portfolio, €250mn equity value;
    Iveco MBA training course organization for Group high potential managers in connection with Turin University (professor Giorgio Pelicelli)
    Joint-venture set up from scratch in South Africa with a local partner (Larimar Group)
    real Estate optimization, disposing of 90% of the available properties in 2 years (€45mn cash effect).
    support to africa middle east sales development through barters operations and specific financing solutions
  • Fiat Powertrain Technologies - Group CFO

    Trappes 2009 - 2010 FIAT POWERTRAIN Develop & sell Engines, Gearboxes, Axles & transmissions for passenger cars & industrial applications (trucks, buses, aero, agriculture, marine)

    €7bn Revenues (65% with Fiat companies, 35% with third parties), strong presence in Europe, Latin America, US, Poland, India & China (2JV, 1 market Company, 1 R&D centre).

    capital intensive activity based on international partnership agreements regarding both production capacities & technology sharing : GM (Germany-Poland-Brazil), SAIC (China), TATA (India), SOLLERS (Russia), CHRYSLER (USA-Mexico), MITSUBISHI (Japan), ASB (Italy), ALSTOM (France)

    major accomplishments :
    pending litigations resolution on key contracts
    participation to key sales contracts negotiation & settlement
    war-room product cost reduction program to save €80mn runrate after 2 years : benchmark cost efficient components functions, global sourcing leveraging on China team, and design to costs
    new plants projects in Italy (gearboxes : €400mn capex), and in China (GAC partnership)
    gearboxes components plant terminated in Spain
  • Iveco - Head of business control

    Vénissieux 2006 - 2009 in charge of operations control from target setting to performance follow up (sales, plants, logistic, purchasing, support functions), investment control (product development, production, partnerships,...), consolidation & reporting, Financial & strategic planning

    Accomplishments :
    crisis management (positive operating profit even during 2008-2009 black period):
    - accelerated flexibilization of Fixed manufacturing costs to cope with 70% activity slump;
    - exceptional measures to rescue both Dealers network and specific suppliers;
    - Overheads cuts from €1000mn in 2007/2008 to €750mn in 2009;
    - cash crash program reaching €450mn positive operating Cash-flows in 2008/2009;
    Vehicle cost of Ownership model leading to change in decision-making criterias regarding product development (e.g. more focused on durability to sustain residual value), offers to customers (bundles) & pricing policy;
    loss-making operations tackled (breakeven reached after 12 months) : Maintenance & repair contracts (through costs tracking & follow up on 40 000 contracts), Dealers of property (through structure costs cuts & legal entities merger plan by country), Used Trucks,...
    structured & homongeneous transfer prices policy set up in Europe in coordination with local tax authorities.
    SAP ERP extended from major companies to all legal entities in Europe.
  • Irisbus - CFO

    VENISSIEUX 2002 - 2006 IRISBUS Group : Bus & Coach manufacturer; €1.5bn revenues, 7000 employees, Joint-ventures in China (CBC) and in Cote d'Ivoire.

    Finance team : 150 heads
    Finance budget : €15mn
    Finance function responsibilities : Consolidation & reporting, financial & strategic planning, operations & projects business control, Accounting & Internal Control, Taxes, treasury

    Finance team reshaping & reorganization reaching 25% function costs savings after 2 years
    reporting set up from scratch with HFM implementation
    loss-making business restructuring : termination plan for Ikarusbus operations in Hungary (2 plants) and Civis business unit in Europe-US, operations & plants closing in Australia & Spain (Mataro);
    cash crash program to finance investments of the recovery plan : 300M€ first 2 years positive cash flows.
    Integration of Irisbus in Iveco systems & organization, including full merger of Irisbus legal entities with Iveco ones
    rating "banque de France" from 4 to 3+ in 2005
  • Renault Trucks - Chief Financial Operations Officer

    Saint-Priest France 2000 - 2002 Trucks manufacturer in EMEA & Latin America; €2bn revenues.

    responsible for Business Control and Accounting departments (140 employees + 80 consultants in project team)

    Accomplishments :
    AB Volvo ERP implementation within 12 months (€4mn SAP project director);
    administration departments reorganized in centralized shared services for all South of Europe activities;
    Powertrain business spin off and disposal by lots;
    Merger synergies follow up (IS/IT, Aftersales, R&D, support functions)
  • Renault / Mack Trucks - Head of Business Control

    1996 - 1999 Jul’1998 – Dec’1999, member of RENAULT corporate team in charge of finding international partnerships for trucks, leading to business disposal to AB VOLVO Group; responsible for RENAULT-VOLVO « pre-merger teams » monitoring, aiming to identify synergies before the final agreement completion, and to prepare concrete action plans to be activated from the 1st day of the merger;

    Jan’1996 – Jun’1998, Head of RENAULT V.I. / MACK TRUCKS business control (€3,5bn revenues) : unification of US/Europe business model, convergence of Accounting and Reporting systems; change in target setting process and operations performance follow up.
  • Salustro Reydell - M&A department Managing director

    1988 - 1995 Nov’1990 – Dec’1995, M&A department Managing director : FNAC buyout by CGE, PUBLICIS - FBA! merger, SPIE BATIGNOLLES engineering division integrated in TECHNIP, FABA acquisition by CARNAUDMETALBOX, PALLAS-STERN merger,…;

    Oct’1988 – Oct’1990, audit (Havas, Carnaudmetalbox, Valeo), and consulting in Reporting & consolidation systems implementation.



Annuaire des membres :