- Human Resources partner
1986 - maintenant
Since 1986 : various positions in the Human Resources department at Intel for different European countries.
• Supporting business units located cross Europe (Italy, Spain, Holland, Belgium, emerging countries in Eastern Europe, Russia, Turkey, Greece, South Africa, France etc...). Main support in organisation development (implementation of talent management programs, management development, succession plans, team effectiveness…)
•Implementation and coordination of corporate programs in the areas of salary strategies, performance management, evaluation process, redeployments of resources based on business needs (redundancies and/or transitions)
•Creation of programs responding to specific business needs (retention, attraction, motivation)
• Implementation and coordination of HR tools (indicators, turnover follow up, implemnetation of the worldwide HR databse in Europe, employee/organisation opinion surveys, various HR policies based on local labour laws etc...)
•Development of HR teams (recruitment, integration and development of a team of 3 HR partners on the French site to support a headcount of approx 120 employees; development of a local team of 6 HR parnters in Russia to support a headcont of approx 1400 employees lcoated in 5 sites)
•Creation of a Marketing back office center in Russia (defining jobs and compentices, relations with local universities, recruitment and integration of new hires, creation of a special rotation program with the UK as part of the integration, performance management follow-up, etc.)
•3 years of HR manaement for the French site, with responsibilities over Works Council.
•5 years within the European Compensation and benefits team working on implementing medical plans, a defined contribution pension plan for Spain, participating in annual reviews of the european sales bonus plan, establishing salary increase budgets for each European countries and getting approvals from managment and Corporate.