

En résumé

> Professeurs de FLE / FOS, francophones natifs et de nationalité chinoise
> 1 Responsable pédagogique (nationalité française)

> projets & intervenants culturels pour programmation à Kunming - Chine à partir de Mars 2017

Mes compétences :
Market analysis
Market research
Business development
Project Management
Public speaking
Emerging markets
Education & Training
Business planning
Business Administration
Non profit
Strategy consulting
Report Writing
Budgeting & Forecasting
Change management
Public relations


  • Alliance française de Kunming - Directeur

    2016 - maintenant
  • Université Jean Monnet - Chargé des relations internationales

    Saint-Etienne 2014 - 2016 + Administrative coordination, international relations and corporate relations management for a portfolio of 4 international scientific Master Degrees:

    > COSI / COlour in Science & Industry /

    >> Accredited "Erasmus + Joint Master Degree": project cycle management, overall international coordination with the 4 European and 5 Asian partnering universities, corporate relations, marketing, students and guest lecturers recruitment, administrative and financial management, learning design (development of MOOCs) reporting to the European Commission.

    > CIMET / Colour in Informatics & Media Technology /
    > 3DMT / 3D Multimedia Technology /
    > MLDM / Machine Learning and Data Mining /

    + International relations officer of the Faculty of Sciences
    > partnership development
    > marketing (international visibility & attractiveness of academic programmes)

    University Jean Monnet, is a multidisciplinary university, training over 18,000 students per year and is part of of the Federation of HEIs “Université de Lyon”, a leader in Higher Education in the nation: it’s the most important French University site outside the Paris region and one of the top 10 European universities with 120,000 students, 5,000 PhD students, 16 doctoral schools, 550 public & private laboratories and 11,500 academic and research staff.
  • GERES - Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) unit & Private sector development (PSE) unit manager

    Aubagne 2013 - 2014 Phnom Penh, Cambodia

    > Took the lead to develop from scratch 2 operational teams to help GERES to design and roll-out more meaningful and relevant initiatives for its beneficiaries and "marketable" development projects in line with donors requirements and cutting-edge development practices

    • Set the strategic vision of the 2 units, mainstreamed this vision into GERES business model and processes and operationalized the teams services portfolio
    The M&E unit enables informed decision-making at operational and strategic levels and take corrective actions, provides policy advise based on evidence, assess and valorizes projects's impacts.
    The PSE unit equips the program teams with sector, supply-chain, micro entrepreneurship analysis and capacity building tools to increase efficiency and sustainability of project by mainstreaming at each stage of development project’s cycle an economic expertise and entrepreneurship culture.

    • Staffed units: talents management from job definition to career management
    M&E = 1 biomass specialist, 1 energetic engineer, 1 carbon auditor, 1 GIS specialist, 1 field coordinator, 1 climate finance specialist
    PSE = 1 micro-entrepreneurship specialist, 1 business analyst, 1 social marketer, 1 access to finance officer

    • Held operational budget, administrative and strategic leadership
    • Managed the teams: ensured guidance and quality control of the unit’s deliverables and clients feedback, reporting
    • Develop partnerships with peers, with clients (donors)
    • Contributed to grant proposal writing to donors (eg ADB and UNDP) and project design
    • Raised the GERES profile in international workshops, developed advocacy materials

    > Disseminated lessons learnt and good practices at corporate level
    • Contributed to an on-going 7 figures's fundraising proposal to French bilateral donor AFD
    • Partnered for setting-up a global commercial consultancy unit (spread across fours continents)

    Atlas of Cambodia: Maps on Socio-Economic Development and Environment
    Contributor to the chapter on Energy, and notably sections on the nexus between energy and development (economic and social growth) and a landscape of current Cambodian energy public policies and strategies.

  • GERES - Internal Center of Expertise manager

    Aubagne 2012 - 2013 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
    Very stimulating organization and position where I learn a lot about the "development industry"

    > Led a team of 7 in-house experts (1 social marketer and corporate communication manager, 1 internal communication officer, 1 sales person, 1 socioeconomic and policy researcher, 1 knowledge manager, 1 entrepreneurship adviser, 1 carbon auditor) of 4 different nationalities and diverse backgrounds

    • Managed people by objectives, introduced new management tools and conduct team building activities, held a 240k USD operational budget, HR and financial management
    • Align team position and annual road-maps with GERES Cambodia strategy, input top-management on internal and external diagnostics and adjusts work-plans accordingly
    • Mainstreamed the experts added-value into field projects rationale and objectives to increase overall quality of GERES interventions; identify project expertise needs; build with client services offer; follow-up implementation and ensured quality control of deliverable in line with donor requirements

    > Developed business internally (support to proposal writing) and externally (consultancy)

    > I drove basically a change management project, in a complex and rapidly evolving internal and external environment. GERES business model experienced a paradigm shift due to 1/ a switch of funding sources from climate finance to institutional donors, 2/ a 30% annual operational growth rate which called for professionalization of the project cycle management practices and 3/ the emergence of the "access to energy" thematic in donors agenda.

    > After less than a year, thanks to acquired knowledge of the industry, I ensured the strategic realignment of the team mandate within the Development Department and suggest to the management the setting-up of two novel units to bridge gaps on GERES skills portfolio and secure its competitive advantage.


    # Social business incubation | Sovannak Palm Sugar
    > Incubation of a development project (palm sugar commercialization to enable access to market for traditional palm sugar producers, equipped with efficient and clean stoves) into a formal spin-off
    • Incubee capacity building
    • Equity raising
    • Board member
    Now a financially sustained and growing social business, a great illustration on how entrepreneurship and private sector development approach can be leveraged to ensure sustainability and exit strategy for development projects

  • National University of Management - International Consultant

    2012 - 2012 Successful Grant Proposal Writing | USD 200k - World Bank Group | Maritime Observatory

    Phnom Penh, Cambodia
    > Consultancy for the National University of Management (NUM - www.num.edu.kh): "Achieving research sustainability in NUM: Setting-up of a National Inland Waterway / Maritime Socioeconomic Activities Observatory"
    > Partnerships engagement (National University of Management, Nantes University, Laboratory of Economics and Management of Nantes), proposal writing, incl. budget/workplan

    Grant program : Higher Education Quality Capacity Improvment Project | Development and Innovation Grant | World Bank Group
    Currently financing the setting-up of the Maritime and Inland Waterways Observatory of Cambodia.
  • Ministère des affaires étrangères - Project Manager in academic affairs

    Paris 2010 - 2012 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
    > Supported the Head of the French cooperation unit at Royal University of Law and Economics, an academic program funded by the Cooperation and Cultural Affairs Department of the French embassy of France in Cambodia
    • Coordinated with five professional staff members (2 administrative assistants, 2 researchers, 1 international trainee).
    • Supported international relationships with partners universities (University Lumière Lyon2, IAE Lille1, Audencia Nantes School of Management, Skema Business School)
    • Led student's access to French and European scholarships programs opportunities
    • Assisted in daily management of a 200 students academic department : liaised with local administrative counterparts, manage educational engineering and curriculum, recruit academia, welcome and guide lecturers, held information meetings for students, liaise with administrative assistants to roll-out programs
    • Led institutional communication: website development and population, marketing of degrees, relationship with the private sector and public institutions
    • Wrote and reviewed under-grad and graduate entrance tests, reports and academic assignments
    • Managed cycle of lectures, study trips, seminars, symposiums
    • Part-time lecturer

    > Main achievements:
    • Set-up of a graduate English- taught curriculum meeting the needs of the labor market in Risk management in Banking, Finance and Insurance in partnership with Nantes University
    • Consolidated academic research: staffed a research center in Economics and Management, wrote research papers
    • Represented the unit / the University's rector in high-level and stakeholders meetings, in Cambodia and abroad


    # Successful Grant Proposal Writing | USD 430k - infoDev World Bank | Business incubator
    > Contributed to implement first Business Incubator in Cambodia as part of an incubation program targeting women entrepreneurship in the Mekong.
    > Focal point during the first year of implementation (project pipeline screening, partnership with the Master in Entrepreneurship and project management).
    This program is today a financially sustained venture, part of Emerging Markets Group

    # International academic symposium event management | French Embassy - AUF- OIF |"Cambodia: one country, several currencies"
    > Budget planning, fundraising & partnerships with sponsors
    > Support to academic design, co-reviewer of a French PhD thesis (key findings shared during the symposium)
    > Event management: stakeholders coordination, procurement, administrative and logistic management, communication
    > Workshop facilitation
    > Financial reporting
    > Edition of the proceedings
    In partnership with the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)

    # Co-researcher | MoC - International Trade Center, Ministry of Commerce | Cambodian sector profile
    > Research instruments design and field survey administration | agribusiness entrepreneurs in Memot (Kampong Cham Province) and interviews of local experts
    > Held a restitution workshop present to a panel of pepper and trade-related issues experts (notably from Ministry of Commerce, GIZ and CIRD) key findings of the research team

    # Researcher | Institut Français du Cambodge | Conference "Chinese influences in Cambodia"
    > Background desk-review to provide materials for the speaker (Prof. Jean-Jacques PAUL): litterature review, translation of Chinese press article, data aggregation

    # Academic coordination | UNDP - UNESCAP - MoC | Intensive Training on Research Methods, Data and Policy Analysis of International Trade
  • Ministère des affaires étrangères - Lecturer

    Paris 2010 - 2013 Lecturer for dual degrees offered by French universities at the Royal University of Law and Economics, Phnom Penh
    Phnom Penh, Cambodia

    > Master Droit International et Comparé, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis – Institut du droit de la paix et du développement, Université Paris 2 and International University of Ho Chi Min, Vietnam
    [2010] Introduction to Economics

    > Master of International Management, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Université de Lille 1–IAE
    [2010] Project management

    > Master 2 in Entrepreneurship and Project Management, Université Lyon 2 , Université de Lille 1
    [2010-2013] Business game workshop
    [2010-2012] Marketing - case studies
    [2010-2013] Professional jury, entrance exam drafting, thesis reviewer

    > BA in Economics and Management, Université Lyon 2
    [2010-2012] Marco-dynamics
    [2010-2012] Marketing
    [2010-2012] Stakes and methodologies of economics
    [2013] Development economics

    > Fondation Mérieux, University of Health Sciences of Phnom Penh
    [2012] Intensive training on entrepreneurship and business planning
  • CampusFrance Centre de Pékin (SCAC Ambassade de France en Chine) - Interviewer-Evaluator

    2009 - 2010 Beijing City, China
    > Conducted pre-consular interview to assess academic project, linguistic level (French/English) and motivation of Chinese under-grad and graduate students willing to study in France
    > Interviews were mainly conducted in mandarin Chinese.
  • China National Chemical Corporation - Freelance translator

    2009 - 2009 Translated the entire contents of ChemChina (中国化工集团) website. ChemChina (China National Chemical Corporation) is a Fortune 500 and China's largest chemical company.
  • EFA (艾法国际语言中心) - Co-Founder and Public Relations Officer

    2008 - 2009 Changsha, Hunan, China
    Cumulative turnover: RMB 1.4 million / 12 employees

    > Set-up with a chinese partner the first institute dedicated to French Teaching in Hunan Province
    > Sold my interests for 175 % ROI after 16 months. 12 employees

    • Developed and maintained relations with governmental officials, political actors as well as regional actors and organizations of the civil society covering the entire value-chain of Chinese educational system value-chain.
    • Initiated and coordinated human resource management from recruitment to performance appraisal and training.
    • Established a set of sound policies, procedures, standards and tools which are consistent with Chinese law in order to ensure proper accounting, financial management and control
    • Led and coordinated public relation and marketing activities to ensure and increase company's visibility and improve both B2B and B2C institutional communication.
    • Part-time French teacher in EFA and with the partner university (Central South University 中南大学 ).
  • Technicolor - Strategic Business Development

    Issy-les-Moulineaux 2007 - 2008 Beijing City, China
    > Contributed to conduct a feasibility study to assess the market for online-distribution of movies in China
    • Adapted a US existing business model to the technological, business, legal and cultural environment of Chinese mainland market
    • Contributed to developed a market-entry strategy for Technicolor prospects (Fox Filmed Entertainment; Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., Paramount Pictures Inc. and Time Warner Company)

    > Directly supported China Chairman to pursue business opportunities
    • Quantitative and qualitative data collection and aggregation: demographics, macro-economic and forecasts & market data
    • Designed and population of an Excel database and a media & entertainment directory for Chinese market (including strategic and financial information)
    • Conduct an in-depth study of Chinese legal framework and regulatory environment, governmental bodies related to Media and Entertainment business landscape in China
    • Ensured a technological ecosystem intelligence on conditional access, Digital Right Management, impact of Digital transition in media & entertainment value-chain

    The Asia-Pacific strategy & acquisition department of the Thomson Beijing Representative & Commercial Office has been merged with Technicolor in 2009.
  • TellHow Co. LTD. (泰豪科技股份有限公司) - Marketing consultant

    2006 - 2006 China, Jiangxi province, Nanchang
    > Led a market survey for the European Market for the Generator-set products
    > Advised management to secure a joint-venture negociation with a worldwide industrial actor (ABB Group): project of (generator – set production in Nanchang): legal framework, potential of the sales network



Annuaire des membres :