
Timothée CAUBEL


En résumé

Involved and dedicated to the EU and its evolution since my first year of Business in Europe studies in the UK fifteen years ago, I have today decided to move forward from direct collaboration with public/private international security/risk management actors to the development of a company specialised in EU awareness raising, named Eurofeel™, together with two complementary associated Partners.

Based in Brussels, Eurofeel™'s thrust is to raise awareness of EU public opinions and stakeholders on what the EU actually is and offers, how the EU actually acts, how it has built up since its creation, what means it can use to achieve its objectives to the benefit of its citizens, its needs to be able to perform its duties, the results it has achieved, the difficulties it is encountering, as well as its perspectives and possible improvements.

It also is to contribute to the creation of a European public space by conveying basic but fundamental information about the EU, through communication, awareness, assistance, consultancy and counseling services to its targeted Beneficiaries and end-users: private companies, elected national representatives, national media or national administrations (education mainly). Eurofeel™ is also committed to ensure multiplier effects are created to the benefit of its services' end users and implementing side partners.

Eurofeel™'s action is definitely not meant to express an opinion on what is good or bad with the EU; but to provide public and private actors with necessary information, means and assistance to allow them to make their own idea to follow their own objectives, defend and promote their own interests, while ensuring their specific constraints and obstacles are taken into account and managed.

Thanks to its experience, means, supports, exclusive methodology and professional network, Eurofeel™ has the ambition - and is able - to have many EU citizens "feel the Union". Let's speed up the process all together!

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projets
Union européenne


  • Consultant Indépendant - Consultant en Affaires européennes et internationales

    2013 - maintenant  Plusieurs missions européennes pour le compte de l’Assemblée nationale française en Consortium avec le Parlement hongrois: “EU Communication strategies in the context of Albania’s EU accession process”
     Participation à la conception d’une offre majeure à l’attention de la Direction de la Commission européenne “Justice et Affaires Intérieures” pour l’organisation de seminaires à travers l’Ue en 2014 traitant de thématiques sécuritaires
     Autres services dans le domaine de la communication sur l’Ue au profit de citoyens, entreprises, médias et autorités publiques
  • EUROFEEL™ - Founding Partner

    2012 - maintenant In today’s context of lack of information, or even disinformation, as well as confusions, about the European Union, Eurofeel™ has been created to provide all European stakeholders with EU Awareness, Information, Counseling, Assistance and Consulting services.

    Eurofeel™ has developed a different, original and exclusive concept, taking its origin in the long experience of its founding partners in EU affairs and communication to citizens. Therefore, Eurofeel™’s services and actions are based on and follows the characteristics of three pillars:

    - They are targeted, straightforward and easily accessible;

    - Tailored to each request ("à la carte"), they are designed according to specific interests, needs, and constraints;

    - They are specifically meant to create multiplier effects to the benefit of both the initial Beneficiary, and the other stakeholders involved.

    Thanks to a wide EU/International institutional network, as well as strong human resources (EU experts network especially), Eurofeel™ analyses the needs of the beneficiaries, designs, proposes and implements an action plan accordingly, involving Public Affairs, Communication, Information, EU-funded project development, coordination, and management.

    Eurofeel™ actually works to the benefit of Private companies, National/local administration, States' National Education authorities, and the Media.

    Eurofeel™'s three main founders and partners have all been working in EU and international institutions affairs in very diverse fields of expertise (Health and Consumer protection, Economics, International Security and Risk Management, International Humanitarian Aid, complex project management, public and private financing, public/private partnerships, Corporate Social Responsibility, high-level HR management), and within both the public and the private spheres.
  • GardaWorld - Institutional Accounts Manager

    2012 - 2012 The Mission entrusted was threefold:

    - To raise corporate awareness, recommend, and inform about the EU in general, and about EU and international institutions business potential and how it should be specifically approahed and managed;

    - To develop Projects and collaboration with, and in favour of, EU and international institutions operating worldwide, in line with corporate strategic orientations (activiy and client diversification);

    - To ensure successful implementation of missions by coordinating the actual management and implementation of won contracts together with General Headquarters, Field operations offices, and worldwide Management offices involved
  • GEOS - Representative to EU and International institutions & Brussel's Office Managing Director

    puteaux 2011 - 2012 As from October 2011, the mission I was entrusted by the Group's General Management to its EU representation to Brussels that had been created 4 years before was three-fold:

    1- Restructuring the office and its team with relation to the status of on-going and expected future activity, in order to increase business efficiency;

    2- Ensuring continuity in on-going missions' implementation while consolidating the positioning and added value of the Group on major EU and international institutions-funded programmes;

    3- Preparing and coordinating the necessary internal means to further develop the activity on complex and sensitive risk management projects
  • GEOS - Institutional Projects Manager

    puteaux 2008 - 2011 As a member of its European and International institutions representation to Brussels (GEOS EUIR), the actual missions and tasks performed varied during the whole period of the position occupied. In the first two years, the mission within the Group was threefold:

    1- To manage the EU institutions office under the authority of the Director and Group's President and shareholders (in particluar strategic counseling, financial advice ("Finance Engineering") on existing and negociated institutional contracts, and HR & budgetary needs);

    2- To manage and ensure succesful performance of Missions entrusted by institutional clients, especially by bringing expertise in client relation issues, as well as publc budget sound use and management, as well as Projects HR (Experts management)

    3- To develop and implement a dedicated integrated HR management system to provide our institutional clients (European Commission mainly) with adequate expertise in the field of international security and crisis management.

    The third year was dedicated to the positioning of the Group on new markets traditionally occupied by Anglo-saxon companies, therefore developing diversified and more important projects in fields such as civil protection (in the Republic of Haïti), counterterrorism (Sahel region), surveillance and information provision system worldwide (to the benefit of the UN), and protection of EU Delegations (Embassies) worldwide, especially in high-risk or war countries.
  • CIVIPOL CONSEIL - Responsable Projets Zone Grande Europe

    2003 - 2007 Société de Conseil du Ministère de l'Intérieur français, Paris
    Responsable des Projets Zone Grande Europe (Août 2003 – Septembre 2007)
    En charge de la gestion de 25 projets de coopération institutionnelle européens en matière de sécurité intérieure, sécurité civile, administration (jumelages, projets de recherche et d’expérimentation paneuropéennes):
    Négociations de contrats avec les pays bénéficiaires (Roumanie principalement) ;
    Création et gestion de consortia institutionnels ;
    Conception et gestion des projets : conception budgétaire, contrôle qualité, conseil technique et administratif auprès des experts et chefs de projet, supervision du « Back-Office » et du reporting, développement d’outils internes d’amélioration de la qualité de gestion ;
    Développement géographique des activités : Croatie, Roumanie, République slovaque, Fédération de Russie.

    Responsable de Projets (Février – Juillet 2003)
    Mandaté par les services actifs du Ministère de l’Intérieur, gestion des contrats à financement public européen : missions d’expertise, relations, suivi et fidélisation des experts français et étrangers, conseil en procédures et pratiques européennes, interface Commission européenne et co-contractants, comptabilité de projet.


  • Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris)

    Paris 2001 - 2002 DEA (Master 2) "Politique de l'Ue et politiques nationales des Etats de l'Ue"

    Politique, Economie et Sécurité européennes - Economie - Relations internationales - Politique de l'Union européenne et politiques nationales des Etats de l'Union européenne, Economie, Sécurité
  • Ecole Supérieure De Commerce

    Montpellier 1999 - 2000 Finances

    Année d'échange Manchester - ESC
  • Manchester Metropolitan University (Manchester)

    Manchester 1997 - 2001 BA (Hons) Business in Europe - Grade 2.1

    Economie, politique et commerce européens


Annuaire des membres :