Involved and dedicated to the EU and its evolution since my first year of Business in Europe studies in the UK fifteen years ago, I have today decided to move forward from direct collaboration with public/private international security/risk management actors to the development of a company specialised in EU awareness raising, named Eurofeel™, together with two complementary associated Partners.
Based in Brussels, Eurofeel™'s thrust is to raise awareness of EU public opinions and stakeholders on what the EU actually is and offers, how the EU actually acts, how it has built up since its creation, what means it can use to achieve its objectives to the benefit of its citizens, its needs to be able to perform its duties, the results it has achieved, the difficulties it is encountering, as well as its perspectives and possible improvements.
It also is to contribute to the creation of a European public space by conveying basic but fundamental information about the EU, through communication, awareness, assistance, consultancy and counseling services to its targeted Beneficiaries and end-users: private companies, elected national representatives, national media or national administrations (education mainly). Eurofeel™ is also committed to ensure multiplier effects are created to the benefit of its services' end users and implementing side partners.
Eurofeel™'s action is definitely not meant to express an opinion on what is good or bad with the EU; but to provide public and private actors with necessary information, means and assistance to allow them to make their own idea to follow their own objectives, defend and promote their own interests, while ensuring their specific constraints and obstacles are taken into account and managed.
Thanks to its experience, means, supports, exclusive methodology and professional network, Eurofeel™ has the ambition - and is able - to have many EU citizens "feel the Union". Let's speed up the process all together!
Mes compétences :
Gestion de projets
Union européenne