


En résumé

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  • Stemcell technologies - Technical Support Representative

    2014 - maintenant
  • Baylor Institute of Immunology Research - Research assistant IA

    2013 - 2014 Work in a lab focused on autoimmune diseases lead by Virginia Pascual, MD.
    Acquired skills: flow cytometry, cell culture (human tissue or blood cells processing), Immunoassays (ELISA).
  • Baylor Institute for Immunology Research - Intern

    2012 - 2013 Studied the cause and cell origin of the type I IFN production in Juvenile Dermatomyositis.
    Acquired skills: immunoassays (ELISA), molecular biology (DNA and RNA extraction, RT PCR, Real time PCR).

    Microarray Analysis of Acute and Intercritical Gout to identify clinically meaningful genetic and modular signatures in gout patients to aid with the diagnosis, to correlate with clinical disease activity and/or to guide therapy by microarrays analysis.
    Acquired skills: Use of the analysis software Agilent GeneSpring 12. Clinical samples organization and registration.
  • VICHEM CHEMIE - Stagiare

    2010 - 2010 Mise au point d’un test enzymologique.
    Screening de produits par test biochimiques et cellulaires.
    Etude de lignées cellulaires par PCR.

    Acquired skills: molecular biology (RNA extraction and purification, RT PCR, qPCR, PCR and sequencing analysis), enzymological assays, cell culture (Drug screening).
  • L'Oréal - Apprentie

    PARIS 2008 - 2009 Unité d'écotoxicologie:
    Développement d’un protocole d’identification de produits neurotoxiques par videotracking d’alevins de medaka
    Rapport bibliographique : « les modèles d’embryons de poissons transgéniques pour l’identification d’une perturbation oestrogénique et/ou androgénique »
  • Cycéron - Stagiaire

    Caen 2008 - 2008 Etablissement d’un protocole pour l’extraction de protéines et d’ARN de motoneurones via la microdissection laser



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