
Abdou-Sattar BL


En résumé

I am currently managing logistics equipments (trucks, cars, cranes, forklifts…..) and personnel (truck-pushers, drivers, operators…..); and I am on charge of moving drilling rigs, from inception to execution. Disassembly, transport, and assembly is carried out quickly, safely, and professionally, whilst the non-productive time of the drilling rig is kept to an absolute minimum. I am Responsible for the efficient and effective execution of operations including: civil works, land transport and various logistical services to drilling contractors and oil companies.
My education and prior work experience have adequately prepared me for the demands of the position am currently assuming. I am flexible and multi-tasking and I have very good understanding and experience of all aspects of the fleet industry, including vehicle and mass transport safety standards and specifications, quality management, vehicles technology, maintenance, etc. Above all this I am a dedicated professional who is eager to take on new challenges and responsibilities.


  • Civenco

  • Oilfield Services Company - Logistics Manager

    2006 - maintenant


  • Université D'Alger (Alger)

    Alger 2000 - 2004 Traduction Arabe-Français-Anglais


Annuaire des membres :