
Alexandre BOUDIAK


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Internal Control
Analyse financière
Analyse stratégique
Analyse de données


  • Oracle Corporation - Project Management Officer

    Colombes maintenant -Organization of part 2 of the project from the customer’s side
    -Implementation and follow-up of a Progress report
    -Follow-up of the customers’ requirements
    -Coordinate the different projects between the customers’ teams and Oracle’s teams
    -Minutes of the project committee
  • Groupe Henner - International Operations Analyst (CDI)

    Neuilly-sur-Seine 2015 - maintenant Société de gestion et de courtage d’assurances de personnes (Santé et prévoyance) - 9 pays.
    - Suivi de l’activité mensuelle des opérations internationales (volumes traités par les gestionnaires, …)
    - Mise en place et remise à jour des tableaux de bords destinés aux Responsables des Opérations internationales
    - Analyse des besoins en effectifs et suivi de la masse salariale sur l’ensemble du département
    - Préparation des budgets annuels du département (Masse salariale, IT, frais de déplacement) et suivi du P/L
    - Participation à la mise en place du nouveau logiciel de suivi de productivité eGain
  • Compuware -  Business Analyst/ Contrôleur de Gestion Commercial EMEA (CDI)

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2014 - 2015 Gestion du programme du commissionnement des équipes commerciales (4 gammes de produit) et mise à jour du système de commissionnement
    - Analyse des contrats (structure, dates d’engagement, respect des règles internes et des règles SOX, …)
    - Préparation des fichiers comptables de reconnaissance de revenu pour l’enregistrement des contrats destiné au département comptable
    - Calcul de commissions dûes en application des plans de commissionnement
    - Estimation des provisions pour le commissionnement de la force commerciale
    - Participation à l’implémentation de Xactly en 2013 (outil de suivi et de calcul des commissions)
    - Traduction des plans de commissionnement et présentation aux équipes commerciales
    - Salesforce : Mise à jour du revenu par opportunité dans l’application

    Analyses financières et commerciales à destination du DAF Europe et des directeurs commerciaux, service et marketing
    - Mise en place d’indicateurs clés et production de rapports (revenu généré par les acquisitions de licences, les renouvellements de maintenance et les prestations de service, évolution de la performance commerciale, taux de transformation, profitabilité)
    - Réconciliation du revenu par rapport aux prévisions (Salesforce.com)
    - Remise à jour du P&L APM, Mainframe et du département Conseil
    - Développement et mise en place de nouvelles procédures opérationnelles pour une optimisation des ventes
    - Etude de la répartition du revenu par industrie pour les 4 gammes de produit destiné aux directeurs commerciaux

    Partenaire business
    - Revue et validation des contrats afin d’assurer le respect des procédures du groupe
    - Mise en place et documentation des procédures d’enregistrement des contrats
  • Compuware - Commercial analyst

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2011 - 2014
  • Orange Personal Communications Services Limited UK - Commercial Analyst

    2010 - 2011 •To complete scheduled analysis eg, access fees, updating BS P&L, Subs, usage etc
    •Migration Credits accounting
    •To drive the Medium Corporate segmentation process and continuous improvement
    •To support the weekly forecast process:
    -Reconciling subs forecast to segment
    -Updating porting metrics and DARR info
    •Updating historical data for comparison purposes using SAS intelligence
    •Adhoc support including responding to information requests and data mining
    •To work with Sales, Segment and Finance to better understand major Corporate customer dynamics by producing CID P&L
    •Adhoc Analysis
    -Customer analysis
    -Building and maintaining EMU reports
    -Investigating developments
    •Design/implement automated reporting models to meet specific internal-customer needs as well as meeting other requirements of the Business. e.g. more streamlined reporting.
  • Parfums Christian Dior (UK) Ltd - Junior Financial Analyst

    2009 - 2009 Mission:
    •To support the business in all aspect: Monthly management reporting, budget, ad-hoc finance analysis, monthly comments to Budget holders with recommendations.
    •To improve/develop new tools for management reporting
    •To work in relation with other brands : Guerlain, Givenchy, ADP and Pucci in order to ensure coherence and process harmonization

    Main Responsibilities:
    •Prepare monthly reporting for French parent company (P&L)
    •Participate in preparation of Budget and Revision in accordance with group requirements and timetable

    Business controlling
    •Provide twice monthly sales reforecast and analysis of main variations in relation with sales team
    •Provide to head of department detailed monthly analysis of costs by cost centre and by cost type analyzing main variances with latest revision, budget and previous year
    •Prepare monthly management reporting with executive summary and ad-hoc analysis
    •Provide analysis and recommendations on specific cost control projects

    Internal control
    •Purchase order maintenance and training to new joiners
    •Help to implement system update to comply with LVMH reporting needs

    No recommendations for this position [ Request Recommendations ]

    Internal Controller at Moet Hennessy UK [ Edit ]
    Food & Beverages industry

    March 2008 – April 2009 (1 year 2 months)

    -Co-ordination and implementation of internal audit recommendations
    -Support the Finance team in evaluating the overall performance of the business.
    -Appraisal, co-ordination and implementation of cost saving program.

    oInternal Control:
    -Evaluation of the risk and the controls
    -Updating the Internal Control System and updating the Internal Audit findings.
    -Define action plan with the top management.
    -Contribute to Strategic Planning processes and ad hoc analyses
    -Coordinate with Markets and Moët Hennessy on most controlling issues.
    -Implementing processes required by LVMH
    -Coordinating the implementation of a new ordering system for Point of Sale Material
    -Coordinating the new Purchase Ordering system.

    oBusiness Continuity Plan:
    -Implementing new process
    -Updating the plan
    -Organization of the exercise

    oParticipation to the Economy Plan:
    -Mapping of company’s costs
    -New process for costs control
    -Meeting new suppliers
  • Computer Sciences Corporation - Consultant

    2009 - 2010 Preparation of business proposal and presentation
    Preparation of presentation for clients
    Creation of leaflet for the Cross-functional industries:
    -Conduct analysis
    -Carrying out research and data collection
    Involvement in the implementation of Sales and Logistics information system at Conforama:
    -Creation of a follow-up tool for the tests
    -Creation of testing scenarios
    -Follow-up of technical issues
    -Follow-up of customer’s requirement
  • Moet Hennessy UK Ltd ( Group LVMH) - Internal Controller

    2008 - 2009 Objectives:
    -Support the Finance team in evaluating the overall performance of the business and ensure quality the availability of financial and business information.
    - Coordinating all the projects for the implementation of the Internal Audit points.

    - Evaluation of the risk and of the controls
    - Updating the Internal Control System and updating the Internal Audit follow-up.
    - Implementing the Internal Audit Findings.
    - Review and discuss the Internal Audit findings with Moet Hennessy UK management.
    - Prepare the draft with the management response for each Internal Audit findings.
    - Ensure the compliance with the Group’s Health and Safety requirements.
    - Contribute to Strategic Planning processes
    - Coordinate ad hoc analyses on channel, customer, product or market profitability
    - Coordinate with Markets and Moët Hennessy on most Finance / Controlling issues
    - Constantly challenge and enhance organizational efficiency and internal control
    - Implementing processes required by LVMH Internal Audit Department
    - Developing and implementing controlling procedures.
    - Making sure that segregation of duties is fully implemented in every department.
    - Giving access to employees to the correct functions on SAP and on the internal network.
    - Checking that all transactions are valid.
    - Making sure that all contracts are still up to date.
    - Coordinating the implementation of a new ordering system for POSM
    - Coordinating the cleaning of the warehouses where the POSM is located.
    - Coordinating the new Purchase Ordering system.
    - Organizing the cleaning of databases for customers and suppliers.
    - Participation to the “savings” strategy.
  • Saint-Gobain - Junior Financial Analyst

    Courbevoie 2005 - 2005 -Follow-up of sales performances
    -Involvement in credit tracking
    -Sales forecasting and support of business decision-making including performance analysis.
  • SDV LI - Junior Accountant

    Puteaux 2004 - 2004 -Preparation of the annual report 2003
    -Accounts Payable
    -Debt reminders


  • Manchester Metropolitan University MMU (Manchester)

    Manchester 2010 - 2011 Diplome en Marketing Digital

    SEO, PPC, publicité en ligne, email marketing, marketing viral, relations publiques marketing, social media, marketing affilié
  • Macquarie Graduate School Of Management

    Sydney 2007 - 2008 Master en Commerce International
  • Tecnológico De Monterrey (Monterrey)

    Monterrey 2005 - 2005 Programme d'échange (Spécialisation en Finance et International Business)
  • MBA Institute

    Paris 2002 - 2006 BBA in Finance

    Groupe INSEEC
  • Lycée Notre Dame Du Grandchamp

    Versailles 1999 - 2002 Bac S option Physique
  • Lycée Jean Monnet

    Cognac 1998 - 1999


Annuaire des membres :