


En résumé

I am currently working as an Industrial Project Manager at Naturex, worldwide company specialized in the manufacture of natural ingredients for Nutrition&Health and Food&Beverages industries.

Mes compétences :
Chemical engineering


  • Naturex - Industrial Project Manager

    Avignon 2012 - maintenant - Feasibility studies to open a new manufacturing sites : cost analysis, budget definition, hiring consultants specialized in local market entry and site location research
    - Coordination of transfers of products to the manufacturing sites of Asia/Americas: investments in new equipment as needed, adjustment of the processes, and organization of pilot productions.
    - Integration of the Brazilian subsidiary in the group quality and ERP systems and technical support for production and Control Quality laboratory (for the new equipment/products)
    - Project aiming to improve the compliance with the TTB regulations (federal agency controlling alcohol uses) : hiring consultants, employees training over the implementation of new SOPs.

    In addition : training for Supply Chain positions back up (long term and short term planning of production, analysis of stock to prepare containers between the US plants, choice of the production site depending on the customer location/process)
  • Naturex - Industrial Transfer Manager

    Avignon 2010 - 2012 Position as a liaison between R&D and Production departments :
    - In charge of the scale up projects: review of the development files from R&D and standardization of new formulas, implementing new processes including writing SOP, following 1st batch production
    - Follow up of the performances and Optimization of existing processes (extraction of crudes, spray dry, granulation, liquid and powder blending…)
    - Provide technical support and guidance to the Manufacturing team on a daily basis
    - Management of up to 2 technicians working in a pilot laboratory to rework non conform batches, and management of production deviations.
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb - Validation Assistant

    Rueil-Malmaison cedex 2008 - 2009 During the last year of my studies to obtain a Master of Science, I was alternately working at B-MS and studying at school for a total period of 15 months.

    While at B-MS, I was working under the supervision of the Validation Manager, in the Quality Assurance department.
    I have completed several cleaning & process (re)validations, equipment & utility (re)qualifications.
    I worked with dry and liquid forms :
    - Production equipment : blending tanks, tabletting press, granulation...
    - Packaging equipment : blister and bottle lines and secondary packaging
    The protocols were made according to the GMPs, the FDA and internals guidelines.
    I performed the tests and dealt with non conformances and wrote the final reports.
    Additionnaly, I was the QA member of some AMDEC and 5S groups.
  • Shell - QC technician

    Paris 2007 - 2007 As an intern, I worked in the QC lab of a subsidiary of Shell specialized in the production of engine lubricant.
    I was performing the analysis (titration, viscosity, etc...) to release or not a batch from production.


  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Industries Chimiques (Nancy)

    Nancy 2006 - 2009 Specialization in Batch Processes
  • Lycée Condorcet (Paris)

    Paris 2004 - 2006 Physique - Chimie


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