
Benjamin MOUNIER


En résumé

Mes compétences :


  • Gemalto - Field Application Engineer

    Meudon 2012 - maintenant • Approval Process management
    Referencing process of all Gemalto “Telecom” products to Device manufacturers (phones, tablets, smartwatches, cars), involving various and complementary topics:
    - Write Integration guidelines for our customers, based on continuous collaboration with suppliers (chip and package assembly manufacturers).
    - Answer Approval requests concerning Qualification/Reliability, Purchasing Quality, Audit preparation (Gemalto’s and suppliers production sites), HSE/Ethics.

    • NFC expertise
    - [2016-Today] Technical expertise to support our R&D (Singapore), FAE (Korea, Japan, China, USA), Marketing and Product Managers – 2nd level support.
    - [2012-2016] FAE/Pre-sales support to phones and NFC chip manufacturers – 1st level support.
    Objective is to ensure interoperability with Gemalto products (classical SIM, eSE) to anticipate issues on the field. Support on-site via technical workshops
    (USA regularly, UK, Finland, France) or remotely. Then, monitoring of customer’s implementations and improvements.
    - [2014-2015] NFC Reader Mode: As nothing was really specified for phones/tablets, definition of a test coverage for devices evaluations in R&D, benchmark of flagship devices for Marketing teams, guidelines & recommendations for device makers to improve field use cases (e.g: ID/Passport for Government projects).
  • STMicroelectronics - Product Engineer

    2011 - 2012 • Secure microcontrollers targeting SIM/eSE (ST33F1M):
    - Program writing for Characterization and EWS (Electrical Wafer Sort) on Magnum testers.
    - Failure Analysis, introduction of WLCSP package and the constraints it brings, improvement of product Maturity level.

    • Contactless Front-End or “NFC chips” (ST21NFCA, STRFNFCA):
    - RF (Radio-Frequency) UART Characterization/Qualification on ISO 10373-6 and PayPass test benches. Collaboration with Application Engineering team.
    - Failure Analysis, RF performances improvement and non-regression campaigns co-working with Analog design team. Punctual tests on Teradyne J750 testers.
    - Study about RF readers sensitivity when detecting load modulation of proximity cards.
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Mines De Saint Etienne - Research Engineer

    2009 - 2011 • Security evaluation of ICs (Integrated Circuits) based on the measurement of their EM (Electromagnetic) leakages – Joint team with CEA-LETI.
    - State of the art of existing EM near-field microprobes and characterization.
    - Method development to distinguish and highlight probes performances in terms of analysis/attacks of ICs; Results visible on Matlab 3D cartographies.
    - Publication: EM Probes Characterization for Security Analysis, Quisquater Festschrift, LNCS vol. 6805, Springer.
  • INSIDE Contactless - Product Engineer Trainee

    2009 - 2009 • Characterization of “MicroPass” contactless payment product:
    - Test Flow definition and development, Characterizations on DIL and wafer (probe stations).
    - Failure Analysis and task forces, involving co-working with different teams: Analog design, Quality, Security.
  • GEMALTO - Stagiaire service "Silicon Component Group"

    Meudon 2008 - 2008 Stage technique de 2ème année d'école d'ingénieurs (4 mois).

    Développement d'un outil de caractérisation RF des produits sans contact.
    Cet outil software associé à un banc de test constitue une plateforme de test qui permet à l'utilisateur de tester et analyser graphiquement le comportement RF d'un produit contactless.
    Ces tests se basent sur la conformité ISO 14443 et les tests associés (ISO 10373-6).



Annuaire des membres :