Bernard P. Ollagnier is a recognized leading professionnal mainly operating in France, USA and Canada. Bernard delivers services :
- PR / corporate lobbying / public and corporate events
- international background for more than 30 years (France, Europe, USA, Canada)
- creating, producing TV programs and webtv as well .
B O innovated the "cultural intelligence" as a new
way to create links on a comprehensive base.
He currently serves as General Delegate of the International Film Festival of Public Policies.
Bernard managed several high ranked PR agencies in Paris and New York.
- among his main actions: lobbying and PR for Apple / Macintosh - L'Hermione-La Fayette (USA) - Departement Ardennes (USA, Canada), groupe media Acteurs publics - communication / jours vert-orange-rouge Bison Futé - French Dental Health Program, golden awarded in USA - mise en place des services d'information des DDE - European Writers Festival - Région Paca - etc. (detailed résumé on demand).
Bernard Ollagnier intervient au Canada et aux USA ainsi qu'en France au service de projets culturels français, d'entreprises PME innovantes , collectivités territoriales et entreprises
He also serves American and Canadian companies involved in cultural industry including TV, hi tech communications, urbanism, food business and health.
- Bernard Ollagnier founded and chaired the prestigious Paris Club Radio TV and the Radio TV Laurels at the French Senate. He also leads the group "International relations of public authorities and local administrations" inside Communication Publique, the Association of public Directors of Communications.
His main services are devoted to : arts /culture/ TV - local and public authorities - hi tech/TIC/ - "food business" - health - finances - tourism
Bernard innovated the French Canadian TV Days in Paris.
Author, lecturer.
Last book :"Communiquer, un défi français - Du tout com' à la communication réelle" (Ed.L'Harmattan)
Best seller : Comment gagner une heure pa
Pas de formation renseignée