


En résumé

Having a passion for Science, I concluded my studies by the management of a scientific project that aimed to characterize the cell host factors involved in hepatitis C virus tropism.

Having a strong interest for the world of entrepreneurship and innovation, I have chosen to invest myself on this way and I have integrated the master of innovative project management.

I joined Inoviem Scientific, a CRO in drug development, in october 2013, since march I am in charge of the business development strategy of the company.

Skills: Team work - Communication - Creativity - Innovation network - Marketing - Intellectual Propriety - Financing - Business development - Pharmacology - Virology - Immunology - Molecular biology

Mes compétences :
Project management
Cell Biology
Business development
Molecular Biology
International project management
Innovation management
Event management
Life sciences


  • Inoviem Scientific - Business developer

    Strasbourg 2013 - maintenant In charge of:
    - Communication of the company
    - Business development of the company
    - Commercial Development

    INOVIEM Scientific is a french start-up company which has developped new biophysical techniques for molecular interaction analysis (drug-therapeutic target) and identification of proteic binding partners.
    The three proprietary methods offered by INOVIEM enable the in vitro formation and label-free identification of macromolecular complexes involved in physiological or pathological processes.
    The particular strength of INOVIEM is the ability to analyze protein-protein interactions in complex mixtures without disrupting the native molecular conformation.

    If you are interested by INOVIEM Scientific services, please feel free to contact me: d.dacosta@inoviem.com
  • Semia - Chargé de projet

    Cergy Pontoise 2013 - 2013
  • GEPROVAS - Business Development

    2012 - maintenant Within the framework of my master in management of innovation, I have been in charge of the development of a project carried by GEPROVAS, a research group studing vascular surgery devices. My main achievement was to create a business plan for this project and to present it to the direction team of GEPROVAS.

    - Project management
    - Market analysis
    - Marketing strategy
    - Communication strategy
    - Business analysis
  • Association des doctorants et docteurs d'Alsace (Addal) - Vice-Président

    2011 - 2012 Team manager for the organisation of the associative activities (congresses, professionnal lunch, collaborative projects)

    - Collaborative project management
    - Team management for the organization of a congress
  • Réseau BIOTechno - Vice-Président

    2011 - 2012 Team-project manager for the organization of the 2012 editions of the BIOTechno Forum (Lyon, Paris, Tours, Nice)

    - International representation of the BIOTechno Network for the european extension of our activities
    - Management of projects to improve the organisation
    - Management of national meetings with international representatives
  • Addal/ Réseau BIOTechno - Manager général du Forum BIOTechno 2011

    2010 - 2011 General Manager of the BIOTechno Forum Strasbourg 2011 (biotech event)

    - Leadership
    - Management of a team of 7 persons
    - Management of the general communication
    - Prospection toward biotech companies in France, Switzerland and Germany
    - Development of strategical partnerships
    - Accounting
    - Reporting
  • Université de Strasbourg/ INSERM U748 - Doctorant

    2009 - 2012 Scientific project management on hepatitis C virus (INSERM U748)

    - Technology watch
    - Definition and application of new projects
    - Proposition of innovative solutions
    - Analysis and diffusion of the data through oral and written presentations
    - Training and supervision of research assistants (master)

    Posters presented at international meetings:

    - 2 Posters presented in the 17th International Symposium on HCV and related diseases. Yokohama, Japan
    Poster 4: HCV permissivity of primary mouse hepatocytes and host entry factor expression.
    Poster 165: Structural analysis of Core-E1 signal peptide and analysis of the requirements for cleavage of the genotype 3a signal sequence by signal peptide peptidase.

    - Poster presented in the 16th International Symposium on HCV and related
    diseases. Nice, France
    Poster 51: Role of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells in hepatitis C virus
    liver parenchyma entry


  • EM Strasbourg

    Strasbourg 2012 - 2013 Master 2

    Ingénierie de projets innovants - Management de l'innovation
  • Ecole Normale Supérieure Sciences

    Lyon 2007 - 2009 Bioscience

    Master Biosciences, Biologie cellulaire et moleculaire
  • University Of Portsmouth School of Biological Sciences (Portsmouth)

    Portsmouth 2006 - 2007 Biochemistry, Cell Biology
  • Unversité De Franche Comté BBCP

    Besancon 2005 - 2007 Je n'ai fais que ma 2ème année à Besançon

    Licence Biochimie, Biologie Cellulaire et Physiologie
  • Lycée Jean Rostand

    Strasbourg 2004 - 2005


Annuaire des membres :