ANOTECH Energy was founded in 2006 to provide specialty services to the energy industry.
From the beginning, we’ve developed our expertise in technical fields of all energy sectors, including Oil and Gas (E&P), Renewable Energies, Nuclear, Refinery, Petrochemical, Civil & Infrastructure, Mining.
We deliver the highest standard of services within engineering, projects and operations. Our vision is to provide clients and employees with a global approach and to maintain an agility to deliver local tailor-made solutions.
ANOTECH Energy operates in over 63 countries worldwide. Headquartered in France (Toulouse and Paris), ANOTECH Energy has also established offices in London, Moscow, Rio de Janeiro, Lagos, Houston, Pointe Noire, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Shanghai, Perth and Doha.
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Mes compétences :
Fidélisation client
Accueil physique et téléphonique
Aide au recrutement
Relations clients
Coordination d'une équipe
Anticipation et résolution des problèmes
Assistanat de direction
Coaching d'équipe
Qualité Service Client
Gestion du stress
Gestion administrative