CNC (Centre Nautique de la Canche)
- Moniteur
Organiser et enseigner des activités adaptées en fonction de l âge et du niveau des stagiaires mais aussi du support encadré (de l'optimist à l'hobbie cat 16).
Assurer la sécutité du stagiaire.
Carrefour Media - Carrefour
- Responsable Etudes
2013 - maintenant
- Chargé d'études Marketing
2010 - 2013
- Mise en place et paramétrage d’études on-line : test de notoriété et d’image, de concept et nouveaux produits, de publicité (affiche / vidéo), de prix, de gamme et de comportement d’achat pour des produits de grande consommation d’étendue internationale.
- Analyse et synthèse des données.
Herta SAS - Nestlé
- Assistant Marketing Enseigne - Stage
2010 - 2010
-Elaboration des dossiers diagnostic enseigne (Promotion, Innovation, Assortiment,…)
-Développement d’outil pour la force de vente
-Mise en place des tableaux de bord des performances par circuit et par enseigne
-Préparation et mis en place d’opération Promo-Trade spécifique à Système U et Houra
Numsight (Agence de Conseil en Marketing - 45 pers - Boulogne Billancourt, 92)
- Consultant
2010 - 2010
Réalisation de guides d’entretiens et de questionnaires d’études.
Coordination et suivi des équipes du terrain (traitement des questionnaires)
Analyse et synthèse des données
Réalisation des plans d’actions opérationnels
Auchan Méru
- Assistant Chef de Rayon - Stage
2009 - 2009
- Gestion du rayon
- Réimplantation du rayon suivant une problématique de marge
- Réalisation d'un audit d'hygiène
Saga Chocolat
- Assistant Responsable Qualité - Stage
2008 - 2008
Mise en place des fiches de postes et des indicateurs d'hygiène en vue de la certification IFS.
Umass, Food science department
- Research - Stage
2007 - 2007
The food industry is one of many industries that heavily relies on the use of emulsions and emulsifiers. Products such as soft drinks, milk, cream, salad dressings, mayonnaise, soups, sauces, dips, butter and margarine are all examples of emulsions.
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of electrostatic interaction on the formation and stability of the oil-in-water emulsions containing polysaccharide-protein coated droplets.
To begin our experimentations, primary emulsion was made in order to calculate the Concentration of saturation, Csat. The Saturation concentration obtained was about 0,1156 for the pectin and 0,1065 for the i-carrageenan.
In the next step a secondary emulsion was created while using the saturation concentration of pectin and i-carrageenan obtained previously. It was shown that at the end of the titration the i-carrageenan remained on the droplet.
Queensland University , Schhol of Land, Crop and Food science, Brisbane, Australia
- Research - Stage
2007 - 2008
Protein-rich milk processing by UHT treatment poses a great challenge to the dairy industries. It causes fouling or burn-on, i.e., the deposition of milk solids on heat transfer surfaces causing a quickly progressive decline in the efficiency of the heat exchanger along the time in comparison to normal milk processing. It has been a special concern of the dairy industry for concentrated milk processing last years.
This problem occurs due to the formation of intermolecular disulphide bridge and sulfhydryl-disulfide exchange of the thiol group in whey proteins in particular β-lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin. The addition of sulfhydryl reagent does not allow the formation of disulphide bridge and increases the heat processing time.
The aim of this study is to verify how potassium iodate (KIO3) and soy protein can react with the free sulfhydryl on the β-lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin avoiding the linkage of thiol groups during heating consequently increasing the processing time.
In this experiment, 24.5% of total solid reconstituted milk was prepared, by mixing 2000g of skim milk powder and 450g of concentrated milk protein in 10 L of distilled water. It was added potassium iodate at different concentrations (0.05mM, 0.1mM and 0.2mM) or soy protein at 0.1% (w/w). These milk samples with different concentrations of additive were heated according to UHT parameters (95°C for 25 sec and 145°C for 6 sec) and then collected at selected time intervals. Afterwards, all samples were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis, the amount of sediment and the pH in relation to the effect of the potassium iodate and the soy protein on the behavior of the whey proteins.
As results, the UHT processing time was prolonged by the addition of potassium iodate or soy protein increasing the amount of native whey proteins present in the milk after UHT processing. However, when it was used soy protein at a concentration higher than 0.1% (w/w) the formation of proteins aggregates had been present.
The addition of two different additives has showed a good combination to increase the amount of native whey protein and by the way the processing time occurs before fouling.
Bristol University , FRPERC , UK
- Research - Stage
2006 - 2006
To evaluate and estimate the impact, on the level of the microbiological contamination, the various methods of cleaning of the carcasses of pigs used at the slaughter-house.
To improve the process of decontamination of the carcasses of pig.