• Expertise:
- Electronic transactions, mobile payments, NFC services, TSM, HCE, tokenization and TSP, RF protocols, security and risk analysis, certification processes and test schemes, customer care.
- GlobalPlatform, NFC Forum, EMV Contact / Contactless, GSMA, AFSCM, AEPM/CB and Calypso specifications.
- ISO 7816, ISO 14443, ISO 10373, ISO 15693, ISO 18000, ISO 18092, ISO 9646 standards.
• Coordination: Projects and technical committees (+ chairing meetings).
• Development: Edition of standards, specifications and technical documents in English. C/C++, VHDL, Verilog, HTML and Java.
• Softwares: Microsoft Office, Lotus Note, Clear2Pay INQ Test Platform, Star/Classcope, Cadence (NC), Xilinx Foundation.