
Grégoire FRAISSE


En résumé

• Expertise:
- Electronic transactions, mobile payments, NFC services, TSM, HCE, tokenization and TSP, RF protocols, security and risk analysis, certification processes and test schemes, customer care.
- GlobalPlatform, NFC Forum, EMV Contact / Contactless, GSMA, AFSCM, AEPM/CB and Calypso specifications.
- ISO 7816, ISO 14443, ISO 10373, ISO 15693, ISO 18000, ISO 18092, ISO 9646 standards.
• Coordination: Projects and technical committees (+ chairing meetings).
• Development: Edition of standards, specifications and technical documents in English. C/C++, VHDL, Verilog, HTML and Java.
• Softwares: Microsoft Office, Lotus Note, Clear2Pay INQ Test Platform, Star/Classcope, Cadence (NC), Xilinx Foundation.


  • Galitt - Senior Consultant (Electronic Banking and Mobile NFC Services)

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2011 - maintenant 2015: Mobile Payment Expert at Groupement des Cartes Bancaire (CB)
    - Technical expertise for the definition of an Interbank Digitalization Platform (PID) which will offer a simple solution for the customers of the French banks to digitize their physical banking cards as tokenized NFC mobile payment services on their handsets (definition of deployment and life cycle Business Processes, qualification of interfaces with MNOs, TSPs and issuers, etc.)

    2013-2015: Technical Coordinator at AFSCM (Association Française du Sans Contact Mobile) and AEPM (Association Européenne Payez Mobile)
    - Coordination of the AFSCM/AEPM Technical Committees (with representative experts from the French Mobile Network Operators and Banks), and reporting to the Steering Committees
    - Edition/maintenance of AFSCM/AEPM specifications and guidelines, and contributions to GSMA international specifications (based on GlobalPlatform standards)
    - Follow-up of the deployment of Sim based mobile NFC services (mobile payment, transport/ticketing, retail, fidelity, etc.)
    - Validation/Certification of NFC compliant cell phones and SIM cards/UICCs, and of mobile applications and ‘Cardlets’ (coordination of AFSCM Validation Committees and interaction with GSMA/GCF Working Groups)
    - Expertise regarding the interface and interconnection of MNO and SP TSM platforms

    2011-2013: Electronic Banking Consultant at Société Générale
    - Definition of the technical requirements for the bank’s Trusted Service Manager (RFP writing) and follow-up of the implementation/integration by the selected OEM for the deployment of a mobile payment solution compliant with AEPM R3 and AFSCM V2
    - Edition/maintenance of the mobile payment banking processes documentation (life cycle, card processes adaptation) and Customer Care guidelines (+ edition of technical appendices to the bank-MNO contracts, subscription forms, user guides and FAQs, T&Cs, etc.)
  • L'Informatique Communicante - Electronic Transactions Expert

    Issy-les-Moulineaux 2003 - 2011 2003-2011: Expert for EMVCo (MasterCard, Visa, JCB, American Express)
    - Expertise on the ISO 7816 and 14443 standards, and on the EMV Contact and Contactless specifications (support, analysis, solutions proposals, trainings, presentations, contribution to the edition of the specifications, etc.)
    - Elaboration, maintenance and updates of the test schemes for the EMV Contact and Contactless Terminals and Cards (selection of methodologies, edition of test documents, follow-up and qualification of tools); expertise on ISO 9646 test methodologies
    - Assessment of the conformity and interoperability of EMV Contact and Contactless Terminals and Cards
    - Support to the PayPass and EMV Contactless specification team
    - Answer to vendors Queries (and analysis of testing issues).
    - EMVCo Qualified Auditor in 2010-2011
    - Participation in EMVCo L1 Task Force weekly conf. calls and meetings; and coordination of international projects
    - Expertise on the NFC Forum specifications

    2011: Consultant for TACITES ("Tag Authentification and Convergence for Internet of Things and Enhanced Security")
    - HF protocol and testability expert for France Telecom, Airbus, ASK, EADS, Fime, Invia, GREYC, IM2NP for the development of a secured tracking system based on dual frequency contactless tags
    - Definition of test schemes for the analogue, protocol, applicative and security layers of the tags and dedicated readers

    2006-2010: Consultant for NFC Forum (Nokia, NXP, Sony, MasterCard, Visa, Applus, etc.)
    - Expertise on the contactless standards, and on the NFC Digital Protocol and Activities specifications (trainings, contribution to the edition of the specifications, etc.)
    - Definition of the test schemes for the NFC Forum digital protocol and activities certification testing.
    - Support to the NFC Forum Testing Working Group (“Tiger Team”).

    2005-2008: Consultant for Calypso Network Association
    - Expertise on the Calypso specification (transport)
    - Certification of product specifications for CNA
  • Cortical - Electronics Engineer

    2002 - 2002
  • Philips Semiconductors Caen (Reader ICs BL) - Electronics Engineer (Trainee)

    2001 - 2002



Annuaire des membres :