


En résumé


Expert en amélioration de la performance et la conduite du changement. J’aime les défis, proposer des solutions globales, créative et sur mesure, apprendre. Pour cela je suis souvent à la croisée des chemins entre la stratégie et sa mise en œuvre sur le terrain. Je suis capable d’évoluer tant comme manager que consultant, de travailler dans des environnements très varié et à l’international.

Je veux améliorer durablement le business des entreprises et leur P&L, tout en transmettant mon savoir, développer la responsabilité et l’autonomie. Je sais impliquer les équipes, gérer les démarches de changements, mettre en œuvre sur le terrain.

Domaines clés de compétences :
- Management des hommes et de la performance
- Déploiement de Transformations Industrielle, Supply-chain, Office et Engineering,
- Conduite du Changement,
- Diagnostic de processus et d’organisations avec définition des des pistes de progrès
- Animation de chantiers, de workshop d’amélioration continue et mise en place de son management associé,
- Mise en place de systèmes de management, Obeya, rituels de pilotage et processus de réaction
- Formations sur : les outils du Lean, de la résolution de Problème, du management de projet,
- Coaching de manager

N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour plus d’informations ou simplement échanger


Mes compétences :
Supply Chain Management
6 Sigma
Management du Changement
Gestion de projet
Lean Engineering
Lean Management
Lean Manufacturing
Amélioration continue
Six Sigma
Team Building
IBM AS400 Hardware
JDEdwards Suite
Lotus Notes/Domino
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Project
Oracle Applications


  • Progress Partners - Seniot consultant Lean & 6 Sigma

    Paris 2014 - maintenant Support of companies in several environment as automotive, aeronautics, electronics, pharmacy, start-up, insurance & finance, …

    Skills key domains : deployment of industrial, offices and engineering Lean transformations change management, diagnosis of organizations, animate CI workshops, implement Policy Deployment from the Vision to the shop floor visual management, implementation of management systems, improvement on Engineering & development processes.

    Human abilities to develop the company towards process creation , transformation in organizations with the teams on the ground and the associated management
  • Progress Partners - Consultant senior

    Paris 2014 - maintenant
  • Parisot - Directeur Supply-Chain Groupe

    Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse 2012 - 2014
  • AdAct-Consulting - Senior Consultant Supply-Chain et Lean 6 Sigma

    2009 - 2012
  • AdAct-Consulting - Senior Lean Consultant

    2009 - 2012 Mission:
    - Structured and organize the mission and deliver the customer expectation, in terms of quality, delivery and relationships
    - Training and coaching customer teams and consultants
    - Initiate, develop and implement Lean deployment in various sectors in France and abroad
    - Training in Lean Engineering and Office from top management to the employees
    - Lean Office and engineering projects
  • Rwd technologies - Senior Lean Consultant

    2007 - 2009 Train and coach the management and the Lean teams
    Implementation of VSM & projects identified in the Business case
    Trainer on the Lean Learning Academy

    Launch, training and implementation of an approach Lean Manufacturing in a aeronautic company
    Office Six Sigma project and in production for aeronautic and mechanical companies
    Solution of problems logistics (magazine, purchase, scheduling) for various companies
  • RWD Technologies - Consultant senior

    2006 - 2009
  • groupe EOLANE - Responsable Amélioration

    2005 - 2006
  • COMBEL - Lean Manager

    2005 - 2006 Setting up with a participative management a lean manufacturing approach in the company.
    Launch the approach and its strategic orientation, prepare, train, make kaizen event with his follow-up. Make lean action who may allow factory have results on production, purchase, reception, quality, industrialisation, redesign on smooth running on services

    Participation like Lean expert on one other group site, the reduction of Lead-Time, creation of an island of integration, analysis of process and broadcast
  • Independant - Continious improuvement consultant

    2004 - 2005 Management of warehouse: revision of the classification ABC (in frequency of use) of diverse warehouse (increase of the productivity),
    Reduction of the number of details in store maintenance from 20 % to 40 %,
    Scheduling with court and middle term,
    Supply: review of the modes of supplies, organized by stock min and max managed by the suppliers,
    Organized by diverse tools " Just IN TIME " (SMED, Kanban),
  • GlaxoSmithKline - "JIT" Project Manager

    Marly-le-Roi 2003 - 2004 Setting up with a production task force a “Just in Time” production, on two production sites, a “Just in Time” production and his tools complying with the constraints associated to the pharmaceutical environment.
  • GlaxoSmithKline - Chef de projet

    Marly-le-Roi 2003 - 2004 Motorola Electronique Automobile : Chef de projet "Flux Tiré" Angers (49) 2001-2002
  • Motorola Electronique Automobile - Project Manager

    Gif sur Yvette 2001 - 2002 coaching 300 operators and 20 executives for the transition from a push flow logical system to a “Just in time” logical system,

    Set up of "Just In Time" tools and integration of these tools in the ERP system,
    Reliable stock inventory and include material work in process in the MRP,

    In charge of maintenance shop
    Reimplantation and reorganisation of a maintenance shop under the TPM development:
  • Motorola Electronique Automobile - Project Manager

    Gif sur Yvette 2001 - 2001 coaching 300 operators and 20 executives for the transition from a push flow logical system to a “Just in time” logical system,

    Set up of "Just In Time" tools and integration of these tools in the ERP system,
    Reliable stock inventory and include material work in process in the MRP,

    In charge of maintenance shop
    Reimplantation and reorganisation of a maintenance shop under the TPM development:



Annuaire des membres :