
Jean-Guillaume BAYLIN


En résumé

Ingenieur Generaliste à dominance Aeronautique suite à plusieurs expériences professionelles réalisées pour le compte de grands comptes du secteur Aerospatial (SNECMA, ASTRIUM, DASSAULT-AVIATION, EADS LV, AIRCELLE, MESSIER-DOWTY) au sein de directions techniques variées telles que Calculs / Bureau d'études / Materiaux mais aussi apres-vente où j'ai pu dernierement apporter mon experience sur un poste d'ingénieur Support technique et aujourd'hui en tant que Customer Support Manager je me rapproche des Airlines pour leur apporter support et assistance en tant que point focal pour l'ensemble de leur business.

Mes compétences :
Support Client


  • MESSIER-BUGATTI-DOWTY (SAFRAN Group) - Customer Support Manager

    2011 - maintenant Customer Support Manager for the Africa (Sub-Saharian) and East Europe Regions.

    My main task is to understand the assigned Customer's expectation and contract details so as to offer a advantageous service consistent with the business objectives of Messier-Bugatti.

    The Customer Support Managers role is to create customer satisfaction in respect of all technical and commercial matters for products and services in a proactive manner. This being achieved by pre-empting the market and customer demands and co-ordinating the company’s and group’s resources to achieve the goal.

    The CSM is responsible for organising and executing regular business trips to key customers to maintain communication and contact. The primary purpose of these visits is to anticipate customer needs, offer feedback on any changes in customer expectation and act as a stimulus for customer satisfaction.
  • MESSIER-DOWTY - Product Support Engineer - Airbus Programs

    2006 - 2010 Senior Product Support Engineer (Airbus programs) at Messier-Dowty.

    - Coordinate actions of the product support engineering within Integrated Product Team (Single aisle)

    - Steering and follow-up of the in-service technical events (technical review with A-Quality program, GSAC audit).

    - lead the in-service temporary repair with A/C manufacturer delagation (up to DOA / CVE signatures)

    - Ambassador of the technical support manager within program team

    - Represent the customer service during modifications, program and customer reviews

    - Provide the technical support to the other customer service functions, engineering, program.

    - Provide support to the production / assemby line.
  • AKKA TECHNOLOGIES - Contractor at Aircelle in R&D as Design / Material Engineer

    Paris 2004 - 2005 Contractor (AKKA) - R&D - Design / Material Engineer at Aircelle

    - Project engineer for the CF34-8 thrust reverser (ERJ170 program) trackliners modification :
    . Material, technology, design and process improvements.
    . TehReview & reporting with suppliers, tests, qualification and validation.

    - Technology support for CF34-8 / -10 programs :
    . Damage analysis on “in service” materials :
    . cost-schedule, studies with Technical Department, concurrent engineering & reporting with G.E.
    · Technical meeting with Product Support Engineering for in service materials repair procedures.

    - In charge of expertises, “strip down” and engine tests performed on Test reversers. Engine Tests performed in Tech Space Aero facilities (Belgium).

    - CF34-10 (ERJ190 Program) leading edge kicker seal qualification : update of technical specification, tests, and technical requirements validation.

    - Writing of Process Technical Requirements
  • ALTEN GROUP - Contractor at Dassault Aviation in R&D as Design Engineer (Military Program)

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2002 - 2003 Contractor (ALTEN) - R&D - Design Engineer (Military Program) at Dassault Aviation

    - Project engineer: homogenization and improvement of metallization principles. Rafale Program. St Cloud / Argenteuil and Istres locations.

    - Rafale’s configuration management (modifications sheets follow-up)

    - Pre-design studies for RAFALE N project (T3 part)
  • INTES - Contractor for EADS LV as Stress engineer

    2000 - 2002 Contractor - Stress Engineer - EADS ST (Ariane 5) at EADS

    Dynamical / Structural studies on the ARIANE 5+ European launcher (ATV and 12t version)

    - dynamics and statics calculations.
    - Fluid / structure interactions within boosters.
    - dynamical response.



Annuaire des membres :