

Rueil Malmaison

En résumé

With 4 years experience in the HR consulting industry (recruitment and outplacement), I relocated from Paris, France, to Chicago.

I currently work as a Bilingual Recruiter for Schneider Electric.

To learn about available positions, please visit the link to our careers page:


Mes compétences :
Bilan de compétences
Outplacement individuel
Ressources humaines


  • Schneider Electric - Talent Acquisition - Bilingual Recruiter

    Rueil Malmaison 2013 - maintenant Make the most of your energy in a career at Schneider Electric. As a global specialist in energy management, we are passionate about delivering real and innovative solutions in energy management and energy efficiency. Focused on making energy safe, reliable, efficient, productive and green, the Group's 130,000 plus employees achieved sales of 22.4 billion euros in 2011. We look for individuals driven by a desire to impact the world. We commit to develop our people and make energy safe, reliable, efficient, productive and green.

    At Schneider Electric, because we value our employees, we offer a competitive benefits package that includes medical, dental and vision, matching 401(k), training and development opportunities and much more. Join Schneider Electric and together, let’s make the most of your energy.

    To learn about available positions, please visit the link to our careers page:

  • Fahrenheit IT - Technical Recruiter

    2012 - 2013 With Fahrenheit IT you get national reach with access to an extensive business network and a wide range of resources from one company. And you get the personal attention of a local business team. Your Fahrenheit IT team lives and works within your community, they know the market dynamics and stay connected to the top tech talent.

    Our services are focused on meeting the technical demands of today’s businesses head on. Recognizing that all of our clients have unique challenges, we work together to craft a solution to solve your immediate and long-term staffing challenges.

  • Sodie - Consultant Relations Entreprises Paris - La Défense

    Paris 2007 - 2012 Mes missions consistent à :

    - Créer des partenariats gratuits avec les entreprises qui recrutent afin de leur proposer les candidatures des personnes que nous accompagnons vers le retour à l'emploi.
    - Conseiller et proposer des offres d'emplois aux candidats en prenant en compte leurs attentes ainsi que la réalité du marché de l'emploi actuel
    - Réaliser des diagnostics de territoire afin d'appréhender au mieux les problématiques locales (secteurs porteurs, bouchés etc...)
    - Animer des ateliers "Connaissance du marché", "Recherche Active d'Emploi" etc...
  • Coté Maison (Groupe Express-Expansion) - Rédacteur Web

    2007 - 2007 Rédaction de brève pour le site www.cotemaison.fr
    Réalisation d'interviews
    Mise en forme du site
  • De Concert Communication - Consultant Junior

    2006 - 2006 Rédaction d’études de cas
    Assistant lors d’audits.



Annuaire des membres :