I am proven bi-lingual Information Security software professional with a successful track record of saling, enabling & positioning IAM portfolio, consultancy, product R&D strategy as well project delivery. I specialized within the field of Information Security since 1997 and has continued to specialize within the field of Identity Management recently fulfilling senior sales consultancy roles at both Sun Microsystems and Oracle France and most recently as a sales specialist & business developer at Quest Software where I won two major deals, the first for Quest Software in IAM in France.
Prior to my experience in the world of Information Security Sales and pre Sales, I had proved myself as a successful project all-rounder having both project managed and worked as an individual contributor – Project Architect - on Information Security project delivery. Within the project management discipline I have managed all aspects of project deliverable including human (staffing) and technologies aspects within the particular domain of Identity Management and Information Security/Risk.
Given my varied career to date I have become competent analyzing many areas of enterprise operations including Finance, Human Resources and Sales and has brought strong relations with partners.
Mes compétences :
Gestion des identités
Identity management
Pas de formation renseignée