


En résumé

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  • Danish red cross - Programme Manager - DIsaster management

    2017 - maintenant
  • Croix-Rouge - Disaster risk reduction delegate

    Paris 2015 - 2016 - Program coordination includes activities, finances, logistics and human resources.
    - Technical support in the development of CBDRR activities: mapping, vulnerabilities and capacities assessment, risk reduction action plans, emergencies response plans, simulation exercises, school activities.
    - Coordination with local DRRM offices, Philippine, German and Japanese Red Cross to ensure a common approach
  • United Nations Development Programme (Chad office) - Disaster Risk Reduction Specialist

    2014 - 2015 - DRR project manager: improvement of river monitoring, first aid workshops, and reforestation activity.
    - Support the government in order to create DRR institutions: national platform, national observatory, and national emergency response plan.
    - Support of CADRI activities: DRR national capacities assessment, DRR action plan elaboration.
  • Solomon Islands Red Cross - Disaster Risk Reduction Project Advisor

    2012 - 2013 - Program coordination includes activities, finances, logistics and human resources.
    - Monitoring and evaluation of activities.
    - Support in writing final reports for DIPECHO and USAID.
    - Participation to the emergency response following the tsunami of February 2013.
  • Croix-Rouge - Disaster Risk Reduction Project Assistant Manager

    Paris 2012 - 2012 - Responsible to create and develop an awareness campaign on natural hazards in partnership with other NGOs and government.
    - Coordination of the Red Cross campaign implemented by facilitators in the 24 communities of the 4 provinces.
    - Technical support in the development of CBDRR activities: vulnerabilities and capacities assessment, risk reduction action plans, emergencies response plans, simulation exercises.
    - Logistic and finance management support to the team with respect to ECHO and USAID guidelines.
    - Monitoring and evaluation of project activities.
  • Pompiers Sans Frontieres - Project Manager

    2011 - 2012 - Project coordination includes activities, finances, logistics and human resources.
    - Strengthen the relationships with operational partners and local emergency services.
    - Support to elaborate project proposal and fundraising applications
    - Final report writing for governmental donors.
  • HERTA - Techncien Hygiène Sécurité Environnement

    2008 - maintenant Diagnostic participatif en matière de sécurité pour les techniciens de maintenance :

    Travail en autonomie, suivi des techniciens, création de fiches de poste, planification et interview en entretien semi-directif, gestion des relations hiérarchiques, participation aux réunions de sécurité et d’évaluation de poste, compte rendu oral et écrit du travail au comité de sécurité
  • SDIS 67 - Sapeur-pompier volontaire

    2007 - maintenant Interventions d’urgence
    Diplôme de :
    Premiers Secours en équipe niveau 1
    Premiers Secours en équipe niveau 2
    Formation incendie

    Intervention diverse
    Responsable maintenance et matériel des véhicules



Annuaire des membres :