
Marie-Laure GERMAIN


En résumé

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  • Eurisy - Project coordinator

    2012 - maintenant Eurisy bridges space and society by raising awareness of satellite applications' potential for non-space professional communtities (from various sectors such as transport, environment, risk management, education, tourism, health...)
  • European Space Agency - Eurisy - ESA IAP Ambassador platform for SMEs manager

    2012 - maintenant IAP programme supports and funds the development of a new range of applications integrating and using space and non-space assets.
    APsme -hosted by Eurisy- has the mandate to stimulate the awareness about the opportunities for SMEs that the IAP programme can offer, and to support them in developing new services and applications.
  • Pôle risques - Project manager & Ambassador Platform manager IAP/ESA

    2010 - 2012 Project manager in charge of SME's training and internationalisation activities.
    AP-erhm (Environemental Risk and Hazard in Mediteranea) manager: Supporting the development of innovative satellite applications for environmental risks management, integrating more than one space asset (EO, satcom, Satnav) and drived by final-user demand.
  • Thales Alenia Space - GMES/Copernicus and Maritime security

    TOULOUSE 2009 - 2009 Strategy and Business Development Unit.
    Intern reporting on Maritime Surveillance in the Security programme of Copernicus (former GMES - Global Monitoring for Environment and Security): The 2010-2020 Maritime Security Space Business Perspectives. The role of Thales Alenia Space.
  • Chief of the Defense Staff (CEMA) African Office - Intern

    2008 - 2008 Planning, monitoring and coordinating the regional military Cooperation.



Annuaire des membres :