


En résumé

Airframe Stress Engineer

- Specialist non conformities
- Fatigue, DTA
- Metallic
- Composites
- FEM analyst
- Tools:
Airbus tools (PSN, ASSIST, ISAMI)

Mes compétences :
Non Conformities


  • Bombardier Aerospace - Stress engineer

    Montréal 2012 - maintenant BOMBARDIER AEROSPACE

    février 2013 – Today, Mirabel, Canada
    Liaison Stress Engineer
    - CSeries CS100 & CS300, Final Assembly Line
    * Support daily production directly on manufacturing area.
    * Design repairs based on equivalent strength / stiffness and fatigue durability.
    * Work in cooperation with the Bombardier Aerospace's team Materiel Review Board (MRB), the stress Integration team and the suppliers.
    * Stress analysis of disposition repairs for structural non-conformances related to the following aircraft assembly components:
    - Wing root joint
    - Fuselage joining (FWD, MID and AFT fuse)
    - Fuselage internal structure (skin, frames, stringers)
    - Center Wing Box to Fuselage joining
    - Wing To Body Fairing
    * Creation and/or modification of stress analysis files to facilitate the non-conformances analysis and reduce time consuming.
    * Stress analysis (including static, fatigue and DTA) performed for Standard Repair Manual purposes.

    février 2012 – octobre 2012 (9 mois), Montréal, Canada
    Stress Enginner
    - Learjet85 program, Fwd Fuse PAX & OWEE Doors
    Stress engineer
    Static stress analysis on PAX and OWEE doors mechanisms.
    Support and guidance provided to the work package structural supplier (Aerosciences).
    Stress support provided for design activities, redesign of several parts.
    Analysis realized following Bombardier sizing stress methodologies and guidelines.
    Redaction of proper stress report documentation for certification purposes.
  • Sogeclair Aerospace - Ingénieur calcul de structures


    août 2008 – décembre 2011 (3 ans 5 mois), Toulouse , France
    Stress engineer
    - A320NEO program, Engine pylon (18 months), placed in Airbus:
    Stress engineer
    Pre-sizing of engine pylons primary structure (ribs, panels, spars, engine mounts) including static and fatigue stress analysis. Different designs analyzed (2 engines: Pratt & Whitney and CFM) and optimization of several concepts. Creation of DFEMs with PATRAN/NASTRAN or ABAQUS.
    Stress analysis reports for submission to Preliminary Design Review.

    - A400M program, Forward Bulkhead (10 months), customer Aerolia:
    Certification responsible
    Following and checking Indian sub-contractor (TATA TECH) reports and technical work.
    Inputs preparation, technical support, check validity of the work.
    Reporting to Aerolia.

    - A400M program, Forward Bulkhead and Nose Landing Gear Bay (24 months), customer Aerolia:
    Stress engineer
    Hand calculation on primary and secondary structures (frames, stiffeners, panel).
    Loads extraction from global FEM using ACSA/PSN.
    Creation of DFEMs for system brackets or secundary structure analysis using PATRAN/NASTRAN.
    Redaction of stress analysis and FEM validation reports.

    - A380 program, Doors Lateral Panels (4 months), customer Airbus:
    Stress engineer
    Hand calculation on primary structure (frames PAX door surround, skin).
    Loads extraction from global FEM using ACSA/PSN.
    Redaction of stress analysis reports for final certification, with ACD4 documents.

    - A400M program, Flight Test Installations (12 months), customer Airbus:
    Stress leader
    Static sizing of metallic structures used for flight tests (chassis, racks, equipments).
    Creation of DFEMs, static and vibratory FEM analysis using PATRAN/NASTRAN.
    Redaction of a stress analysis and FEM validation reports.

    janvier 2008 – juillet 2008 (7 mois), Toulouse , France
    - A400M program, Forward Bulkhead (6 months), customer Airbus:
    Static analysis of an aluminium stiffened panel structure called "EVS support".
    Creation of a DFEM with PATRAN/NASTRAN including FEM validation following AM2036 procedure. Redaction of stress analysis and FEM validation reports.



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