
Patrick ROOSE

  • pfm medical / Germany
  • Digital Transformation Manager


En résumé

Patrick a une vaste expérience en tant que consultant senior hands-on sur les pierres angulaires de l'informatique et des affaires dans un environnement multiculturel.

Gestion de projets de changements liés aux processus, aux organisations, aux données/informations, aux solutions informatiques.
Accompagnement stratégique de changements complexes (introduction ou révision de solutions ERP, externalisation, gestion des services, délocalisation de centres de données, transition vers des centres de services partagés, fusion et acquisition, carve-out).
Transformation numérique (entreprises et ICT) : élaboration d'une vision d'entreprise pour le passage à la valeur des données, alignement des organisations.
Gestion de la performance des entreprises et intelligence économique (créer la transparence et la visibilité des données).
Améliorer l'excellence opérationnelle, éliminer le gaspillage, réduire le coût de la mauvaise qualité, améliorer le rendement.

- Type d'organisations : PME, multinationales, organisations gouvernementales, holdings.
- Type de projets : transitions, mise en oeuvre d'ERP, numérisation, fusion et acquisition, découpage, gestion des performances de l'entreprise, intelligence économique, gestion des services (opérations et livraison).
- Type du Business: Industrie manufacturière, construction, produits chimiques, Automotive, Energie/Utilitaires, Banque, Distribution, FMCG, Télécom, Secteur Public


  • pfm medical / Germany - Digital Transformation Manager

    Direction générale | 2019 - 2020 Rôle: Program / Digital Transition Manager, Financial Consolidation

    Transition vers une meilleure gestion des performances de l'entreprise pour tous les flux de valeur en fournissant aux cadres moyens et supérieurs des tableaux de bord transparents des indicateurs de performance clés (KPI) par filiale et stratégique.

    Change management: Numérisation du paysage informatique hétérogène pour une PME/entreprise familiale ayant des succursales internationales.
    • Initiation du changement et définition avec les parties prenantes des KPI représentatifs et des KPI principaux pour les processus de vente, de production, d'achat, de logistique, de service à la clientèle, de RH, d'informatique, de comptabilité en utilisant différents systèmes existants (SAP et non-SAP)
    • Améliorer l'exactitude, l'exhaustivité et l'actualité des données qui sont essentielles pour la gestion quotidienne.
    • Amélioration des processus de clôture financière, de planification des CAPEX-OPEX-PEX, de prévision et de simulation
    • Mise en place de l'architecture d'entreprise basé sur des solutions cloud pour la Business Intelligence afin de calculer de manière uniforme les KPI par processus d'entreprise (data mining) et de visualiser les données sur des tableaux de bord avec SAP BW, SAP BW/4, prevero
    • Établir une feuille de route pour la transformation et la migration (mise en œuvre et retrait progressif) de l'architecture informatique par pays vers les meilleures pratiques en utilisant des solutions SAP et non-SAP
  • Commission Européenne - Digital Transformation Manager

    Informatique | Bruxelles 2018 - 2020 Rôle: Program / Transition Manager (digitalization)
    A redéfini l’architecture d’entreprise pour augmenter l'interopérabilité et l’échange d’information entre tous les systèmes informatiques nationaux et des États membres européens afin de soutenir les opérations de sécurité et de sûreté pour la défense militaire, les gardes-côtes, les douanes, les centres de sauvetage et les gouvernements.

    • Gestion stratégique: définition de la vision globale pour la transformation des systèmes d'information existants en données.
    • PMO gouvernance: de la situation actuelle à la situation future
    o la mise en place de l'ensemble des cas d'utilisation (sécurité et protection) et du modèle opérationnel (qui utilisera quel type de données)
    o une analyse approfondie de l'architecture actuelle pour les flux de valeur les plus importants
    o la transformation détaillée des données par ancien système et par cas d'utilisation
    o la rationalisation de l'échange de données des appareils (télécom, cams, satellite, gps, outils de navigation, radars)
    o transition vers MACH (Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native SaaS et Headless)
    o mettre en place un modèle de livraison unique (nuage hybride) pour tous les besoins des centres de données et une gouvernance globale des données de référence, y compris la conformité à la protection des données par objet
    • Ingénieur système : a analysé l'impact et traduit les exigences en matière de données et d'architecture pour chaque système existant
    • Planification : effort micro et macro de rationalisation des applications, des conteneurs de données et de leur transformation en solutions centrées sur les données
    • Mettre en place les procédures du PMO pour contrôler la confidentialité, la qualité, la résidence et l'intégrité des données par partie prenante conformément aux règles du GDPR (législation, autorisation de l'utilisateur, activité opérationnelle)
    • Mettre en œuvre le plan d'assurance qualité (fonctionnel, technique, données, produits livrables)
    • Définir le plan d'atténuation des risques par partie prenante (technique, fonctionnelle, organisationnelle, données)
    • Mettre en place le cadre de gouvernance (Eu. Com > FOD > organisations locales)
    • Établir le plan directeur, la feuille de route pour la transition de l'architecture d'entreprise vers une ère numérique intégrée.
    o plan pluriannuel d'élimination progressive et de réduction des systèmes informatiques existants
    o intégration technique avec l'IdO, l'héritage de la machine 2 (M2M), l'architecture en nuage : CISE, échange de positionnement et d'images en direct des drones, des caméras fixes, des satellites
    • Conversion du projet en appel d'offres, demande de propositions et appel d'offres pour le marché des fournisseurs européens
    • Présentation du schéma et de la feuille de route de la transition au Comité européen (DG MARE)
    • Communication :
    o a expliqué à un très large public international "qu'est-ce que l'ECM / la numérisation" à Hambourg
    o la gouvernance avec les parties prenantes (rapports d'avancement, qualité, efforts, temps, risques, exigences, source et utilisation des données)
  • Materialise - Project Manager

    Leuven 2017 - 2017 • Gérer la mise sur le marché de différents produits.
    • Lancement de produits et mise sur le marché (développement informatique, marketing, ventes)
    • Amélioration des processus d'affaires de base (ordre de facturation)
    • Préparation à la mise en conformité SOX
    • Mise en place d'un centre d'excellence pour les processus de base de l'ERP
    • La préparation du projet, la planification, l'approvisionnement, l'exécution, le suivi et la clôture.
    • Équipes : développement de produits, marketing, ventes.
  • confidentiel*** - SAP change organizational manager

    2016 - 2017 SAP organizational change manager, company restructuring
    To support the transition towards a uniform way of processing for the value streams: sales - procurement - production - r&d - quality - warehouse – logistics in 3 different sites in Europe using a SAP SCM solution.
    • stakeholder analysis, engagement
    • change management:
    o setup of a communication strategy & plan
    o setup of an operational readiness plan and end transition plan
    o implement master data governance
    o determine the job impact, training needs analysis for all value streams
    o implement the Target Operational Model
    • process & organization improvement
    o setup op Sales & organization, CRM
    o P2P, O2C, stock movement using mobile data scanners
    o Master Data Governance
    • conduct the test plan
    • improve & adapt the standard operating procedures (JSOX & ISO)
    • SQERT reporting the progress: Scope, Quality, Effort, Risk & Timing

    Tools: SAP, ADKAR, BPM, PRINCE2, V-model quality assurance, C4C/CRM cloud, SD, MM,WMS, PP-PI, PM
  • confidentiel*** - PMO - PPPM

    2016 - 2016 To support hands-on the transformation towards a renewed Operating Model and architecture including the core, non-core processes an IT-landscape to reach qualitative and quantitative targets:
    • Transition IT into an agile service department
    • Reduce the complexity of IT landscape
    • Hands-on support:
    o Setup of project definition documents, planning, product & work breakdown structure (deliverables & workload), contracts
    o Implementation of KPIs and Earned Value Management
    o Support training in project methodologies (Agile & Waterfall) for Project Managers
    o Quality review (techniques and procedures)
    o Optimization and improvement to reduce losses (non Timely, non Accurate, non Professional, non Efficient)
    o Change processes & procedure towards First Time Right
    • Budget Portfolio Management of 4 clusters, 23 projects (+35.000MD)
    • Monitor deviations of CAPEX and OPEX upon scope/quality/effort/risk/time
    • Risk and escalation management
    • Type of projects: infrastructure, architecture, business

    Tools: operational excellence, KPI, Earned Value Management, PPM Clarity, ADKAR, PRINCE2, SHAREPOINT, V-model quality assurance, PPPM (Portfolio,Program,Project Management)
  • HeidelbergCement - Project & change manager

    Heidelberg 2015 - 2016 To harmonize the processes, the organization, the IT-solutions, the customer services along a merge & acquisition program.

    • due diligence of processes, organizations, IT-solutions for 2 companies & 6 business lines
    • solution design (request for proposal)
    • solution proposal (business case design, vendor selection, contract management)
    • solution implementation (change & project management)
    • organizational change of structures and translation into system landscape / architecture
    • hand-over
  • SNCB Europe - Transition mgr / PMO

    Bruxelles 2013 - 2015 GOAL: Transition mgr and PMO to replace the current departure procedure of a passenger train by a new and safer procedure in order to uniform the departure procedure, to eliminate the "grey zone" and to align the departure procedure. The solution is governed by a program of +20 projects (business and IT solutions) delivered by internal and external suppliers and monitored by external safety auditors. This change has a nationwide and cross boarder impact of train companies with regards to safety compliant, development of IT & Telecom infrastructure GSM-R, appliance of new ways of working for train drivers & train managers. Setup & drive the Project Management Office, stakeholder management, suppliers involvement, team management and control over awareness, desire, knowledge, progress reporting of realisation of solutions, setup & conduct the transition, manage project risks, design/ implement and daily follow-up of a quality management system to reduce cost of poor quality & give exposure to communication.
    - Engage stakeholder management : awareness, readiness, desire, build knowledge (executive to operation resource, internal and external)
    - Suppliers involvement
    - Change management to control awareness, impacted areas, desire, knowledge
    - Business Process Analysis (current mode / future mode / gap-analysis / change plan)
    - Conduct and generate inbound & outbound communication (unions, Steerco, Domain)
    - Update of project plan, labour and cost forecasting
    - Setup & conduct the transition

    - As PMO setup & drive the Project Management Office
    - Progress reporting of suppliers
    - Manage project risks, quality assurance, proposing preventive & corrective actions
    - Design, implement and daily follow-up of a quality management system to reduce cost of poor quality
    - Follow-up financial project metrics (forecast, earned value ratios, billing)

    Techniques: BPM, change management (PROSCI/ADKAR), Earned Value Management, Prince2, FTA, FMEA, Operational Excellence, IT-Governance
  • Lotus Bakeries - Change manager

    Lembeke 2013 - 2013 GOAL: give BPM-advise and methodology training to support the global expansion of ERP SAP standardization

    - setup the BPM toolkit (methodology, usage and implementation of BPM and BPMS for ERP)
    - select – prepare and support implementation of operation reference models in a supply chain
    - setup demo for BPMS (comparison of tools & vendors, expectations mapping)
    - how to transition to a consolidated and rich documented knowledge center

    Techniques: BPMS: Logizian-Bizagi-ARIS-Adonis, ERP, Operation Reference Models (APQC, SCOR), Process Classification Frameworks, PROSCI ADKAR (methodology), BPM

    Result: delivery of a change management methodology
  • Fluxys - Change manager

    2012 - 2013 GOAL: Empower cross-over structural improvements and transitioning towards cost reduction and energy saving by detailed re-engineering of ERP processes and IT solutions (engineering, construction, procurement, logistics, transportation, distribution, stock management).

    - Audit / impact analysis and BPM of the As-Is situation (processes, organization, data/information quality, ICT-tooling, services) call desk for business and IT
    - Requirements gathering of the To-Be, stakeholders management (objectives, benefits, changes, solutions to integrate the operations with ICT-solutions), separated service desk for business & IT operations
    - Gap analysis (As-Is, To-Be), remodel with Business Process Management, support blueprint
    - Set up the program book, detail the work streams and the project implementation plans
    - Determine the change management and the transition plan to restructure and re-align solutions with the business processes and departments.
    o minimize the IT interventions for Business operations
    o coach the concept “first time right” data entry for IT solutions
    o first steps towards lean management
    o renewal & management of the SOPs (standard operating procedures and actions)
    o change setup for integration of solutions (SAP & portal) at all platforms
    - Prepare the end to end test plan (IT & business acceptance)
    - Support communication of change (technical, managerial, Steering Committees)

    Techniques: PRINCE2, PROSCI ADKAR (change methodology), ERP, BPM, BPMS: Enterprise Architecture
  • BI Community - Advisor - Training

    2012 - 2013 GOAL: Give courses

    - Customization of project methodologies + best practices
    - How to design the roadmap for BI / DWH projects
    - Business Process Management in practice
    - Live demo of BPM with BPMS packages
    - Operational Excellence mapped onto Process Classification Frameworks

    Techniques: BPM: Logizian, Visual-Paradigm for UML, PRINCE2, Agile, SCOR, APQC
  • Van Landschot - Change manager

    2011 - 2011 GOAL: improve service management processes according the CBFA/FSMA requirements.

    - Audit of business processes, process documentation through BPMS
    - Gap analysis (As-Is versus CBFA requirements)
    - Remodeling of the processes of
    o service management (incident – problem – escalation – issue)
    o service transition (change management, release management, asset management, configuration management, test management)
    o service strategy / design (demand management, risk management, portfolio management, requirements management)
    - Set-up plan of approach for a project management methodology
    - Addressing the concept “product & service catalogue” for new product launches, the organization (who is responsible to do what, when, where and using what), taking into account “segregation of duties” when operational teams are developers
    - Set-up of blueprint & improvement plan to strive for operational excellence
    - Set-up of change management and implementation plan

    Techniques: PRINCE2, RACI, role-activity diagrams, BPMS: ADONIS, COBIT, CMMi & ITIL V3

    Result: blueprint & roadmap to improve the alignment of Business & IT
  • Carrefour - Service Delivery Manager

    Massy 2010 - 2012 GOAL: ERP project & service manager for store operations of Food / non-Food, operation management

    - Coordinate the daily RUN & CHANGE operations of the point-of-sales software applications between stakeholders, IT-management, product owners and an international sourcing model of delivery teams for a topology of +500 stores.
    - Support project portfolio management, analysis of risks & impact of demands onto the business & IT layer (infrastructure & architecture).
    - End to end life cycle management of projects (from cradle, business requirements gathering, coordinating development, testing and industrialization of software images of the infrastructure outlets).
    - Prepare and preside the CABs, verify the maturity of the RFCs and its solution, negotiate planning with stakeholders for development, testing and implementation.
    - Negotiate the calendars with the product managers for development, implementation, testing and roll-out of the change requests and project demands.
    - Set-up of test strategy plan: per change request collecting the user requirement specifications, set-up of the test scenarios, organization of the test environment (technical, functional, test team, timeslots), monitoring & follow-up the working instructions / SOPs
    - Coaching all teams (internal & external) towards process improvement of service management.

    Techniques: Point of sales solutions, store retailing, weighing systems, self-scanning, cash management, price management, ITIL, ITSM

    Result: improvement of the responsiveness between demand & solution delivery, decrease of the no. of incidents, standardization of service management processes
  • Ing Direct - IT Audit / Service Management / Service Desk

    Paris 2010 - 2010 Audit, FMEA en BPM tot optimalisatie van service management processen, service desk, workplace solutions en outsourced suppliers. Opstellen plan van een communicatieplan tot het invoeren van korte & lange termijn verbeteringen voor customer & employee satisfaction (niveau: operationeel, tactisch, strategisch).
    Transition naar “green concept, first time right”
  • SCE - Business change manager

    Nantes 2009 - 2010 Audit van de business processen voor de fabricage van silo's voor de voedingsindustrie. BPM, Gap-analyse, blue print, opstellen change en transitie plan tot implementatie van een ERP oplossing met lean concepten. Reduceren van de dagelijkse operationele kost dmv optimalisatie van processen, procedures & activiteiten voor fabricatie, perfecte first-time quality, waste minimization, reduceren van transport & intern overhead.
  • Atos Worldline - Process change manager (ITIL)

    Bezons 2008 - 2009 Implementation of ITIL Service Management

    Alignement des centres informatique (IT Shared Service Centers) aux niveaux processus, outils, organisation, data, services, préparation et supporter les comités de pilotage
    Réduire les coûts de fonctionnement quotidien grâce à la normalisation des processus ITIL service management, intégration d'un bureau de service virtuel dans 3 pays
  • Bnp Paribas - Project manager

    Paris 2008 - 2008 Transform and merge the infrastructure of Fortis & ABN Amro at corporate level.
    -Stakeholders management: gathering business requirements
    -Develop and implement a Common Sales & Transaction Portal (CRM/Siebel layer) for Commercial and Merchant Banking (CB/MB) accessible through a Single point of Access to improve sales & services at all affiliates and enable cross-selling.
    -Conduct the integration of the CRM/Siebel layer with the ICT legacy of ABN Amro & Fortis

    Project was stopped earlier due to the separation of Fortis & ABN Amro
  • P&V - Project manager

    2008 - 2008 Acquisitie van 2 ICT backbones, vervanging van de infrastructure door 1 centrale oplossing voor de front- & back office, sales & marketing, call centra's & help desk.
    Kosten verlaging van ICT (1 datacenter voor 2 business kanalen in plaats van 3) harmonisatie en reorganisatie van de IT oplossingen (infra & telecom) en ITSM.
  • L'Oréal - SAP change manager

    PARIS 2007 - 2007 coordinate the implementation of SAP SCM (SD/MM/WM/FICO) for the HUB in Belgium to supply to 4 business channels in 5 different countries
  • baloise inssurance - Project - change manager

    2007 - 2008 Implementation of the process output management (create, design, implementation and print to output channels).

    Role: project & change management
    Definition of the domain requirements (life, non-life, SAP, HR, distribution)
    Set-up of the approach per domain
    GAP-analysis concerning the impact of the solution on Procedures, Organisation, Data, Applications. Change of HR staff, processes
  • Metro Cash And Carry - Consultant ITIL / audit service management

    Nanterre 2006 - 2006 IT-Audit to implement ITIL IT Service management
    • Solution proposal, recommendations
    • Program set-up for implementation of ITIL service management
  • Bnp Paribas - Consultant / project - change manager

    Paris 2006 - 2007 Implementatie ITSM. Alignering IT management , transformatie en herstructurering service desks (processen, organisatie, tooling) als voorbereiding op IT Shared Service Centers
    Herorientering Globaal Operationeel Model voor 5 service desks), verhoging van de operationele excellence, verlaging uitbatingskosten in 3 landen
  • Sncb Europe - ERP consultant / strategic

    Bruxelles 2005 - 2006 Business consultant to define a strategic implementation plan of an ERP/SCM solution.
    SAP business analyst for an SCM lifecycle
    • GAP-analysis for the lifecycles procurement – production – sales - maintenance
    • determining vision, mission, strategies / objectives and business planning
    • Tool: ValueSAP 4.6D / ASAP, positioning the usage of the tools (SAP, Peregrine)
    • global strategy blueprint (feasibility analysis) for a full SAP SCM lifecycle
    • Definition of business requirements and feasibility
    • Proposal definition for organisational changes
    • Reorganisation of the procurement & logistics lifecycles
    • business case definition (benefits & costs)
  • Bnp Paribas - Consultant ITIL

    Paris 2005 - 2005 Customisation & implementation of ITIL-processes using Peregrine

    • Co-sourcing the processes Service Delivery of a Network Operating Center worldwide
    • Providing the detailed for procedures & process description
    • ITIL process design through UML
    • Uniformisation of the processes in the organization
  • Siemens - ERP practice manager

    Saint-Denis 2005 - 2005 ERP practice manager, responsible for Profit & Loss, sales & delivery
    • determining vision, mission, strategies / objectives and perform business planning
    • steer, innovate, and optimise the program for the business unit
    • profit & loss responsibilities of the department
  • Suez - Project manager / SAP / ITIL

    PARIS LA DEFENSE 2004 - 2005 Customisation & implementation of ITIL-processes using mySAP CRM (MM/SD)
    • Conduct of the program between the customer and its outsourced partner
    • 3rd party management (solution provider) through SLA
    • definition & implementation of a SAP backbone
    • Uniformisation of the processes in the organization
    • Replace Peregrine/Remedy by mySAP CRM for processes : incident resolution and standard work request
  • Mobistar - Consultant / quality improvement

    Bois Colombes 2004 - 2004 advise and coach on strategic decisions:
    1) set-up a strategy to implement a datawarehouse for the consolidation of national production
    2) implementation of a quality management framework CMM / RUP / UML / Prince2 + casetools
  • Sofinco - Project manager / strategic consultant

    Evry 2004 - 2004 Sparring partner for stakeholders and solution providers.
    Set-up of a strategic business plan. Implementation of a front- & back office for consumer credit solution in order to improve time-to-market
    • Establish a blueprint for transitioning front- and back-office solution in order to improve the implementation of new products on the market (time to market) using the internet backbone (B2C & B2B model)
    • Define & management of the solution
    o Feasibility study “out sourcing front- & back-end solution”
    o package implementation, interfacing facing with existing legacy IS and processes
    o business process consulting & workflow management Vendor selection step (RFI / RFP) with dedicated specialists solution providers
    • Set-up of a business plan & strategy
    • Provide the necessary steps for package selection (translation of business requirements, non-IT criteria, quality level, partner solvability, costing, comparable projects, visits, mapping workflow processes through case tools). Daily project management.
    • Set-up of SLA & SLM for contract management between solution providers & customer for 1) implementation, 2) application maintenance & support
    o Secure the delivery of the solution (platform HW/SW, procedures, training, docu)
    o Engage the concept of KPI-monitoring
    o Ensure at coorporate level the awareness of business risk
  • vangansewinkel - Project manager

    2003 - 2004 business process re-engineer and implementation of solutions for CRM / ERP / DWH
    Strategic program preparation of CRM
    • Prepare the program to implement CRM for all departments Marketing & Sales, Finance & Accountancy, Logistics & Operations:
    1) the processes (business workflow)
    2) the organisations & procedures
    3) the data & the applications (the instruments)
    • Set-up a GAP analysis: audit of existing business workflow (inventory of front- / back-office solutions), business modeling & blueprinting
    • Establishing of a proof of concept “how to implement CRM cross companywide”
    • Nationwide uniformisation of business processes and workflow management for the complete product life-cycles at company-wide level
    • Migration of the related & supported legacy interfacing systems towards a central backbone
  • Belgonucleair - Consultant / project - change manager

    2002 - 2003 From IT-Audit to RFI & RFP in order to re-engineer the IT supporting layer for the production factory
  • Kbc Bank - Consultant

    2002 - 2003 Program coordination for optimisation of the layer of financial institutions, Credit card applications (proton), responsible for testing
  • LCM - Project manager / strategic consultant

    2000 - 2000 Implementation of the gateway CareNet, transition from a paper model to an electronic flux between the hospitals and the social security, proposal of Content & Document Management System
  • Kbc Bank - Project manager / strategic consultant

    2000 - 2001 PSO/PMO process improvement to define, implement, realize and enforce project methodology for SDLC / CMM / RUP / UML + casetools
    Define, implement, realize and enforce RUP project methodology for CMM
    Process support officer
    • Assessments of project development life-cycles (Waterfall-Iterative), in order to apply “best practices”
    • Discuss and negotiate in order to strive for a practical approach within an existing culture.
    • Process engineering & customization of the frameworks & project life-cycle deliverables.
    • Coach and hands-on training of the knowledge of project management frameworks, the benefits, the practical approaches
    • Assessments of feasibility for UML case tools (Rational Rose, Mega)
  • IBM - Project manager ERP consultancy

    Bois-Colombes 2000 - 2001 Proposal writer (functional & commercial) for solution providers
  • Eds_engineering Design Services - Consultant

    Douala 2000 - 2001 Define, implement, realize and enforce RUP project methodology for CMM
    Process support officer
    • Assessments of project development life-cycles (Waterfall-Iterative), in order to apply “best practices”
    • Discuss and negotiate in order to strive for a practical approach within an existing culture.
    • Process engineering & customization of the frameworks & project life-cycle deliverables.
    • Coach and hands-on training of the knowledge of project management frameworks, the benefits, the practical approaches
    • Assessments of feasibility for UML case tools (Rational Rose, Mega)
    • PSO : implementation of subsets of CMM to ICT departments : improvement of project methodologies for development with UML / RUP / XP” has been trained (group: +/- 250)
    • A uniform framework layer was implemented and rolled-out for some key process areas of CMM2 (configuration management, quality assurance, project tracking & oversight, business requirements management) in alignment with used COPAFITH standards
    • Practical projection of the framework on projects from inception to roll-out: stock exchange / front end / back office / clearance operations / purchase business model
    • Implementation of the selected case-tool (roll-out) with a program of training, coaching
    • The project has been delivered much quicker than planned with a tremendous smaller budget.
  • Kbc Bank - Project manager

    1999 - 1999 Impact analysis of the implementation of the €
  • Arcelormittal - Project manager

    1998 - 1999 Implementation of the concept SCM automotive on a SAP backbone
    • Introducing the concept SAP Automotive
    • Promote the migration towards SAP backbone for the life-cycle: pre-sales, order-registration, schedule handling, order follow-up, production, assembly, packaging, picking, shipping, invoicing at all European point of sales
    • Set-up of an EDI layer between the customer and the factory in order to process the delivery schedules, conversion of the delivery schedules into schedule agreements (contracts)

    • All European EDP sites have been convinced to migrate to SAP and use the SCM automotive framework in stead of local solutions (faxing, phoning the orders)
    • The plant is able to make use of the most effective factory (cost to develop, cost to make, cost to distribute)
    • The plant is able to re-allocate “lost material” into the product life cycle
  • CIMAD - Project manager / solution architect

    1997 - 1997 compiling RFPs for customers in logistics branche
  • Ing Direct - Project manager

    Paris 1997 - 1998 implementation of several interfaces between core & financial products
  • Service D'information Du Gouvernement (sig) - Project manager

    Paris 1996 - 1996 Project co-ordination, business analysis to implement "real-estate" solutions
  • Euroclear - Information analyst / process engineer

    1995 - 1996 Re-engineering of the application Accounts & Balances for clearance activities
  • European Patent Office - Audit

    1995 - 1996 IT software review, impact & workflow analysis of the infrastructure and architecture
  • Computer Associates technologies - Project manager ERP consultancy

    Londres 1995 - 1996 Migration of ERP software solutions to SAP outsourcing concept for SIG & BOPST (technical management)
  • Computer Associates technologies - Trainer

    Puteaux 1993 - 1993 Trainer DBMS
    Trainer ERP
    How to implement mainframe solutions using IDMS as DBMS
  • Ing Direct - Project manager

    Paris 1992 - 1993 Re-engineering the product life insurance
  • Bayer - Project manager / strategic consultant

    Lyon 1991 - 1992 Integration of “CRM” into ERP
  • Robeco - Information analyst / process engineer

    Rotterdam 1990 - 1990 Implementation architect of accounting software for settlement of stock-exchange
  • Telindus - Belgacom - Project manager

    1990 - 1991 Implementation of a B2C and EAI model for telecom products, cellular phone
  • Distrigas - Project manager

    1989 - 1990 Implementation of an invoicing application for measurement and billing gas
  • Kbc Bank - Information analyst / process engineer

    1989 - 1989 Implementation of work procedures for money transfers between KB & NBB
  • Sabena - Programmer / analyst

    Bruxelles 1987 - 1988 Integration of the catering services by means of an ERP solution.
  • Dexia - Solution architect

    La Défense 1987 - 1988 Development of a stock-exchange order system.
    Implementation of an offline reporting system (pre-Datawarehouse)
  • Mercedes Benz - Programmer / analyst

    MONTIGNY-LE-BRETONNEUX 1986 - 1987 Interface design for the applications Shop Floor Control and Material management
  • Michelin - Project manager / solution architect

    FERRAND 1986 - 1987 International migration of a very heterogeneous application environment to an ERP solution
    • Migration of the processes + IT-solutions for the productlifecycles: order take-in, construction, delivery, and billing
    • Implementation (development & execution) of the SCM concept
    • Organisation of the transition of the 2 systems
    • Deploy a good understanding (acting as bridgehead) between the European subsidiaries
    • Successful delivery of the ERP (sales & distribution) solution in an European context as a backbone
    • Automatic MRP involvement for stock leveling, business processes are aligned
  • Robeco - Programmer / analyst

    Rotterdam 1984 - 1986 Interface design for financial applications
    Optimisation of different backend and frontend solutions
    Database redesign


  • HRITON (Brugge)

    Brugge 1981 - 1982 IT

    level A1, bachelor, IT systemanalysis
  • STIMJO (Oostende)

    Oostende 1976 - 1981 accountancy

    level A2, accountancy


Annuaire des membres :