VANOC, TEDx Whistler, Whistler Blackcomb, Telus WSSF, Meditationforathletes
- Communication & PR
2010 - 2010
- Creative & Copywriter, Webdesigner, Webdevelopment for Satyama Lasby : personal project www.meditationforathletes.org
- Video & Photoshoot in partnership with Joern Rohdes
- French Translator on Social Media (Twitter) for the TEDx Whistler. - Translation in streaming and creative critic
"Community Manager" for Whistler breaknews on Twitter & Facebook
- Media Relations for the Torch Relay during the Olympic Games 2010, as a volunteer for VANOC
- Volunteer for Telus WSSF as media relation assistant, producer & artist assistant, & Whistler Blackcomb events department
Whistler Blackcomb - Intrawest
- Junior Media Relations Officer
2010 - maintenant
Media Relations for the 2010 Kokanee Crankworx Festival
- Dealing with the greatest Media in Mountain Bike
(300+ around the world)
- Accredited each Media and support them during the event
- Research & QR Code Design/Development
- Updating Crankworx Website during the event
Support the PR Team in common tasks as
- Customer/Media inquiries
- Improve Customer experience through the social medias
Research on QR Code
- Customize design, branding, development, ...
Oxylane Village
- Events & Communication Representative
2009 - 2009
- Creation of events for Oxylane Village of Bron (LYON, Fr) :
Internal & External Communication, Partnership, Logistics, Security, Press Relation
- Management and Coordination of web site, Computer graphics
- Management of Safety place : (infrastructure, electric installation, office of control)
- Trainer in Visual & Interactive Communication
Strada Marketing / Paru Vendu
- Event Tour Producer
2009 - 2009
- Beaches Tour "eco-citizen" for the "Journal des Plages"
- Human Resources Management (Management of 12 persons : schedule, directives, hours of overtimtes, salary)
- Management of Safety place : (inflatable structure, meteorological dangers, guard the place and the customers, the children)
- Help to Manage Administrative & Logistic plan (tour plan, hostel, food, resupplying, material needs)
- Relation Ground - Agency - Customer
- Visual Communication Freelancer
2009 - maintenant
Setting up of Pix6z' - Visual Communication Agency
- Conception of a graphic charter
- Conception of web site
- Editorial Content
Prospects : Oxylane Village, Decathlon, Les Coursiers Verts, Nantes Talensac Danse, Gina Di Orio, Journal des Plages, The Supertrashers, Meditation for athletes, Soccer United, TEDx Whistler
More informations on www.pix6z.com
Groupe Esprit de Corps Inc.
- Communication Design & Media Responsible
2008 - 2008
- Conception of graphic charter : Web, Print, Media, Newsletter
- Management of the Web site & Blog, R&D on new communication supports
- Participation in various sporting challenges (Shot, Video montage)
- Partnerships (Business Development, Products test)
- Coaching sportsman : teambuilding & training (private - collective)
- Industrial Designer (CAO)
2007 - 2007
- Composite mold designer
Project : Interior Design for an ambulance GRUAULT
Strada Marketing
- Project Manager Assistant in Field Marketing
2007 - 2007
- Organiser of events promotion, Street-Marketing
- Training : hosts, sales event organiser (High Tech)
- Management & Briefing Teams
Budget : Courir, Alice, Canon, Clinique, Smoby, Journal des Plages