Renaud Collet
- Développeur Web
2013 - maintenant
I am a Front and Multimedia developer, I like interactive and moving things.
Programing Web or Desktop applications, games, banners and open to discover new playgrounds.
Mainly a Front developer, but I can handle Backend development.
Working with team of creatives and devs or working solo at your office or mine.
Also have my teammates if you need an advanced frontend-backend solution.
Technical recommendations and supports.
Paying attention to ergonomy UI and user experience UX.
// Languages :
Javascript, HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, NoSQL, XML, JSON, AS3, AIR, Git
// Libraries & frameworks :
- Front : es5, es6, Vuejs, Phaserjs, Createjs, Threejs, Angular 2, PouchDB, Laravel-mix, jQuery, Greensock, Bootstrap, SmartFox API (MMORPG), Openspace API.
- Back : PHP, Laravel, Couchdb, NoSQL, MySQL, SmartFox Server (Websocket server), NodeJS + Express (beginner).
- App : Electron, PhoneGap
- Sensor Devices : Kinect, Leap motion, Myo armband
// Workflow :
Tasks runner, preprocessor, linters, Git
// CMS :
Brands :
Dr Martens, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Cindy Chao, Laurent-Perrier, Davidoff, Samsung, Orange, BNP, Ricola, Renault, Dragibus, Bethesda, Sony Playstation, Piaget, Foire de Paris, KFC, Celio, Rouge de Cartier, Turkish Airline, Tefal, La Méridionale, Les Trois 8
Contact me, I'll be pleased to answer your questions and to find solutions for you.
Website :