


En résumé

Cursus Professionnel : 15 ans en vente de service et support clients, une carrière entièrement exercée dans le milieu aéronautique, incluant directeur de maintenance en compagnie aérienne, représentant technique et inspecteur qualité livraison au sein des principaux avionneurs .
Principales compétences : Parfaite connaissance du marché aéronautique. Aussi compétent dans le milieu commercial que dans le milieu technique. Intéressé par les rapports humains, que ce soit auprès des clients qu’en tant que team leader, j’ aime travailler en équipe.
Parle couramment Anglais et Italien, dans le cadre de mes différents postes dont 18 ans exercés
à l’étranger.

Mes compétences :
Airbus A300 Aircraft
Microsoft Windows
Airbus A330 Aircraft
Airbus A310 Aircraft
responsible for several Airlines
relationship management
line maintenance coordination
Pool program management
Fokker 100 Aircraft
Engineering assistance
Embraer ERJ 170 Aircraft
Embraer ERJ 145 Aircraft
Embraer ERJ 120 Aircraft
CFM International CFM56 Engine
Boeing 737 Aircraft
Base maintenance
Aircraft Systems
Airbus A340 Aircraft
Airbus A320 Aircraft


  • MACH - Resident Customer Support Rep

    2000 - 2000 Position : Resident Customer Support Rep for Airbus Ind
    Station: Jakarta Soekarno- Hatta int'l Airport. Indonesia.
    Sector of activity : For Airbus Industrie at Garuda Indonesia Airways with two main objectives:
    a) Dispatch reliability improvement program for the A300 FFCC PW JT9D
    59A powered. From 83% to 97,5 % achieved in one year.
    b) Entry into service of the A330-300 RR Trent 700.
  • EMBRAER Aviation Int - Customer support- Customer Account Manager

    1999 - maintenant Station : Roissy CDG France and Fiumicino Airport Roma Italy.
    Sector of Activity : In charge of total scope of support for several customers in the EMEA
    region such as: Services sales, Pool program management, Modification
    campaign set up, Entry into service set up, Engineering assistance, logistic
    and line maintenance coordination, commercial focus point.
    Lean process application.
  • Airbus Industrie - Field Service Engineer

    1997 - 1999
  • International Aviation Service Assistance - Production Manager

    1993 - 1997 Sector of activity : Maintenance Manager for Sempati Air A300 fleet.
    Base maintenance for the Sempati A300, B737, F100, ``C'' Checks.
    Organization of the Hadj Operation at UPG, BTH and JEDDHA.
  • ATIS Aviation - Inspector

    1991 - 1993 Station: Aerospatiale St. Martin du Touch France.
    Sector of activity: Flight Line Inspector at the ``Delivery Center'' on the whole Airbus Family.

    1988 - 1991 Position: Mechanic AMP
    Station: Sogerma-Socea Merignac, France.
    Sector of Activity: ``C''-Check and ``D''-Check on all Aircraft system on A300,
    A310, A320, Supper Guppy.
  • French Air Force - Plant mechanic

    1979 - 1988


  • Airbus Industrie Training Center

    Toulouse 1997 - 1998 AIRBUS A330/A340. RR TRENT 700/CFM 56
    AIRBUS A310/ A300-600 PW 4000
    At EMBRAER Training center. San Josè dos Campos - Brasil-
    EMBRAER 145/135. RR/Allison AE3007 + conversion course LEGACY
    EMBRAER 120. PT6
    EMBRAER 170/190. GE CF34-8 and CF34-10
    At Rolls Royce Training center. Derby -England-Rolls Royce
    AE3007 Engines


Annuaire des membres :