Solid entrepreneurial exposure and more than 15 years of successful business and cooperation with Governments.
Qualified skills and strong interest in accompanying leading firms and organizations willing to grow and develop new businesses through added value technology based solutions
Good knowledge and understanding of many African, Latin American and Carribean Countries’ culture and environment, long and deep experience in public procurement, solid negotiation skills, demonstrated capacity to structure partnerships with carefully selected high profile entrepreneurs
For Governments, Technology can be real a chance but it can also constitute a risk of misuse of already scarce resources. I became the trusted advisor of Government willing to be assisted in selecting added value, cost efficient and sustainable solutions
Assisted Governments in the design and implementation of successful trade facilitation policies and strategies, the reinforcement of compliance, development of performing public procurement measures, guaranteeing highest return and benefits for the country while promoting transparency.
Cooperating also with Development agencies and Multinational Organisations for sustainable development, economic growth and enforcement of international conventions