
Sébastien AUMAÎTRE


En résumé

We, at Push Start, believe that Gamification is becoming one of the most powerful driver of employee engagement & performance.
By using game mechanics and game experience, managers develop innovative ways of working, boost creativity, autonomy, enthusiasm and, consequently, help leading companies create unprecedented engagement with employees

Gamification initiatives can't work without a strong knowledge of companies issues and environment.

As a management consultant with 10 years experience in business transformation projects and management consulting, I have developed a significant experience in scoping and driving complex and sensitive transformation programs in a collaborative perspective.

During the various projects I worked for, I have demonstrated abilities to drive cross functional teams and align stakeholders at all levels towards common goal.

I also developed a strong functional expertise on Human Resources Performance : Strategy and Ambition, organizational and management diagnosis, HR policies (training, key competencies and talent management, recruitment and succession planning,..), HR processes design, Governance

Energy&Utilities : EDF, ERDF, TOTAL, GDF Suez
Industry & Services : Lafarge, Arkema, Nestlé, DHL,
Public Sector : Pôle Emploi

Mes compétences :
Ressources humaines
Travail collaboratif
Conduite du changement
Gestion de projet


  • PUSHSTART - Founder & CEO

    2015 - maintenant Engagement Makers
  • Capgemini Consulting - Consultant

    Paris 2008 - 2013 Lafarge (Industry - 2013) - World leader in building materials
    Designing a new HR organization (governance, policies, processes, teams), within a large scale transformation program (5 000 employees impacted)

    TOTAL (Energy - 2012) – Supply & Marketing Branch
    Organizational audit for the Head of Communication both on external and internal (advertising, public relations, digital, sponsorship, crisis communication) & re-design proposal on a worldwide perimeter

    Pôle Emploi (Public sector - 2011) - French national unemployment organism
    Organizational audit and optimization plan for the Payroll service (15 000 payrolls)

    EDF (Energy - 2010), Commerce Branch
    PMO for a global operational efficiency improvement program

    EDF (Energy - 2009), Commerce Branch
    For the Head of Human Resources : defining the HR Business Partner policy (governance and processes)
  • Cesar Consulting - Consultant

    2004 - 2008 ARKEMA (Chemicals - 2008)
    Definition of a mobility plan for 2 restructuring chemical plants
    Communication towards the 300 workers and mobilization plan

    DHL (Transport - 2007)
    Merger of 3 major transportation companies : project perception analysis, technical and social impacts analysis

    Nestlé (Industry – 2006)
    Industrial plant transfer: social climate analysis for the executive committee

    Vivendi Group (Medias & Telecommunications – 2006))
    Communication & Lobbying strategy : press analysis and briefs writing for the Head of communication



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