ENSAM Engineer,
With reference of 15 years experience (Design / Project / Program / Sales) achieved in Automotive Industry
for some American , Japanese and French companies).
The essence of my career is mainly driven by a strong motivation, adaptability (personal exp. of 15 years in Africa, [Morocco, Gabon, Congo, Senegal] and professional exp. of 10 months in Japan).
Professional wish :
To gain employment with some Automotive, Aeronautical, Space companies in the area of Program / Sales Management , where my necessary skills & knowlegde can be used effectively.
Member of European citizens Network: participant in the European Young Citizens Convention of Cluny 2003: Europe & World government (european identity, EU & international relations, NGO & IO transparency, proposal for amendements to UN Charter, sustainable developement, least developed countries)
French - Native language
English - Proficient in all areas (reading, writing, speaking)
Spanish - Basic reading, writing and speaking abilities
Wolof - Toutirek
Japanese - Choto :)
Citation : Albert Schweitzer
"De quelque côté qu'un homme se tourne, il en trouvera un autre qui a besoin de lui."
Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Développement commercial