


En résumé

Ingénieur microélectronique et high-tech, responsable grands comptes du support technique haute technicité, en pré-vente et après-vente, chef de projets internationaux. Forte de 20 ans d'expérience dans le semi-conducteur, avec une large expérience de terrain dans l’électronique grand public, multimédia et les télécommunications, pour les solutions embarquées. Excellent leadership effectif ayant permit de gérer des situations développement complexes et obtenir des grands succès industriels. 13 ans de gestion de projets en environnement international et multi sites. Excellente communication à tous les niveaux de l’organisation. Naturellement très orientée client. Innovante, capacité multi-tâches, flexibilité, adaptation rapide, proactive et auto motivation très appréciés.

Vous pouvez consulter aussi mon reseau et profil sur: http://www.linkedin.com/in/spangaud

Mes compétences :
Video Streaming


  • InnoPark Suisse SA - Consultante, Chef de projet

    2016 - maintenant Innovation, Conseil, Management
  • CSEM - Project Manager

    Paris 2008 - 2015 Vision Sensor
  • Texas Intruments France - Field Application Engineer and CPM

    2000 - 2006 Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP and analog technologies to meet our customers’ real world signal processing requirements. In addition to Semiconductor, the company includes the Education Technology business. TI is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and has manufacturing, design or sales operations in more than 25 countries. 2006 TI revenue = 14.3 billions of dollar. TI in Europe is bout 3300 headcount (for total 31000 world wide). TI is a world wide leader in wireless telecom ICs and other wireless/wired multimedia applications. For more info, please consult:

    I had 3 positions in TI Europe (from last one occupied):

    1/ European Customer Program Manager (CPM) and Field Application Engineer (FAE) on 2.5G / 2.75G chipset for wireless terminal business unit, key account technical support (300M$)

    In order to ensure customer’s satisfaction, TI’s revenue growth and to secure future projects, my responsibilities are:
    - Customer Program Management: planning, resources, risks, costs, software deliveries – release, patch, configuration management, weekly follow-up of action list, meetings, technical interface between customer and R&D or other internal organizations
    - Technical consulting and trainer to customers and our sales force, in a permanent teamwork with other TI organizations. Participation into product definition and roadmap.
    - Technical support on technologies, products, devices and embedded applications: ARM + DSP + analog solution, RF 4 bands (850, GSM900, DCS, PCS), packaging, development boards, modem (L23, L1), BSP, applicative support (voice codec, ringers / players MP3, Midi, AAC, Wave and other proprietary algorithms, JPEG, viewer and other applications)

    2/ European FAE for Imaging and Audio Group: 1st level technical support on solutions based on multimedia processors, low power consumption, for portable applications. Great success of multimedia coprocessor project - 30M€, camera and melodysub-system (schematics, devices, API, embedded application software,planning/action list follow-up/meetings, documentation and software deliveries)

    3/ European Product Specialist: level 2 technical support on TMS320C6000 family floating point processors DSP, associated tools from TI or 3rd parties

    Applications: audio (A/V receiver, DTS/Dolby digital 5.1, multi channel audio solution for car systems (project 3M€)), networking (TCP/IP stack, layers MAC/PHY, embedded Linux), video and imaging (MPEG4, H.264, VWM9, JPEG, conversions, transcoding, streaming…)

    Responsibility was to ensure European growth in design-in and design-win for those products and applications, by providing high level technical support to sales force and main customers:
    - Training: maintain techn. knowledge of FAEs and sales force
    - Information: write technical documents, quarterly FAE forums, seminars, webcast and usage of any other broadcasting mean to share technical information
    - Level 2 technical support to customers, FAEs, sales, R&D, 3rd parties and production
  • ATMEL - Field Application Engineer

    Rousset 1995 - 2000 ATMEL is a semiconductor company, leader in non volatile memories, Flash MCU, programmable logic with embedded IP, and system on chip solutions.

    I had 2 position in France (starting with the more recent one):

    1/ Field Application Engineer in R.O.W. sales office (Israel / India / South Africa) for all ATMEL product lines: non volatile memory, micro-controller, smart cards, programmable logic, ASIC / System Level Integration (DSP, MCU, imaging… cores) and ASSP
    - Pre-sales: slide shows, customer’s needs analysis, architectures proposal, feasibility studies, technical quotations to marketing/sales, seminar and trainings. Pre-sales activity strongly oriented to ASIC (gate-array/see-of-gate, cell-based, full-custom solutions)
    - Post-sales: for ASIC, product specification, project management (from kick-off to sign-off), flow and design-kit support, specific packages; and for the standard products: technical support hot-line like, trainings on ATMEL tools, RMA (Return Material Analysis)CAD tools: Cadence, Synopsys, ATMEL & ARM tools

    2/ R&D Project leader on ASIC Sea-Of-Gate (SOG) offering, with specific technology for hard environments (for the space industry for example, high tolerance to radiations)
    - Specification and scheduling of technical solutions from needs description
    - In an international and multi sites team, development and maintenance of ASIC libraries in CMOS technologies: analog and digital cells library, memory compilers (DPRAM, RAM and FIFO). CAD tools: Eldo, GDT, QuickHDL-Vital (Mentor), Dracula (Cadence)
    - Punctual technical expertise for ASIC products (Hot-line for International Design Centers)
    - Participation in choice, definition, development and validation of software tools
  • Philips Communication System - T.R.T. - ASIC design engineer

    1992 - 1995 T.R.T. is a telecom company, developping and producing infrastructure equipments for telecommunications.

    Position R&D: ASIC Design Engineer, high complexity (> 100.000 gates) for telecom equipment: synchronous multiplexer, transmission linked to SDH/SONET, ATM· ASIC project leader
    - Design: feasibility (PLD, FPGA, ASIC technologies, cost, risk, planning), architectures, design and validation (“top-down” methodology in VHDL), testability and board integration in laboratory
    - CAD tools: Mentor Graphics, Vantage (VSS)
    - “Transmission” department training manager (55 people - HR)



Annuaire des membres :