


En résumé

25 années dans l’industrie du transport aérien :
- 8 années en centre de maintenance, bureau d’étude, équipementier,
- 8 années en compagnies aériennes,
- 8 années en support client et services.

Bâtir des projets industriels qui répondent à des besoins vitaux et à exploiter ensemble dans la durée.

Support : analyse du risque ; flux logistique ; fiabilité ; formation ; réactivité.
Industriel : encadrement ; investissement ; navigabilité ; production.
Conseil : audit ; accompagnement ; organisation ; réglementation.
Opérationnel : budget ; mission ; planification ; reporting ; sécurité.
Financier : expertise ; gestion ; négociation ; valorisation.

Expérience acquise durant le déroulement de mon parcours professionnelle :
- Mise en place de projet et de centre de profit dans des domaines diversifiés allant du déploiement et mise en oeuvre opérationnelle de structure industrielle et de service, à l’acquisition d’aéronef, à la sélection de systèmes informatique (EPR).
- Relation avec les autorités aéroportuaires, de l’aviation civile et des constructeurs d’aéronefs.
- Ouverture aux marchés non occidentaux.

Mes compétences :
Asset Allocation
Boeing 737 New Generation
CFM International CFM56 Engine
Airbus A330 Aircraft
Airbus A320 Aircraft
McDonnell Douglas/Boeing MD-80 Aircraft
Joint Venture
Boeing 767 Aircraft
Boeing 737 Aircraft
Short 360
Realtime Disk Operating System
McDonnell Douglas DC-10
Grumman Gulfstream III Aircraft
Boeing 777 Aircraft
Boeing 757 Aircraft
Boeing 747 Aircraft


  • AE Alain Pellissier Tanon - Indépendant - Expert Aéronautique - Group AIR LOGISTIC (Luxembourg)

    2015 - maintenant Insurance expert
    Aircraft recovery physical & documentation
    Asset Management
    Airlines & Maintenance audit (station, maintenance, operation, ...)
    IT transition
    Quality auditor
    Governement aircraft management FRA M & FRA 145
    Aeonautical african market focused
    Manuals publication
  • AEROCORPORATE - Group AIR LOGISTIC (Luxembourg) - General Manager = RDOV / RDOS

    2011 - 2012 Ad hoc and charter airlines based in Ivoty Coast operating bi-turbine pressurizef, 2 Falcon 50 and one F28 VIP configuration in west & central africa.
  • EGAMS - Group AIR LOGISTIC (Luxembourg) - Technical Director

    2008 - 2009 F28 & SH360 fleet management & Maintenance
  • AMT Aero Mainteance & Trading - Group AIR LOGISTIC (Luxembourg) - Directeur Opération & Maintenance / Support Client

    2007 - 2015 IR-OPS + Part 145 & Part M : engineering development.
    RDE / RDOS pos-tholder EASA
    Fleet managment.
    Aircraft recovery & delivery
    Engine Condition monitoring
    AG purchase, maintenance & operation
    IT Continuous Airworthiness & Logistic solution
  • TRANSAVIA France - Group AIRLINAIR - Fleet Manager

    2006 - 2007 During start period on charge to murge maintenance process commingg from TRANSAVIA Netherland to the French subsidiary.
    Choice and accreditaion about technical matters.
    Choice of aircarft and incorportaion of them to be able to fly for the Summer 2007 iata season.
  • ALTO & AIRLINAIR Industries - Group AIRLINAIR - Technical Director Part 145 MRO

    2004 - 2006 Line MRO on ATR AIRBUS & BOEING in Orly
    Full support ATR from AIRLINAIR (sister company).
    Open and developp african maintenance market : Air Cote d'Ivoire - TASSILI Airlines - Royal Air Maroc.

    1999 - 2003 Start-up organization and process implementation with fleet improving.
    First flight with ATR aircarft
    on charge to supervise and manage maintenance post holder, Ground operation post holder, Flight operation post holder, Safety
  • Euralair industries - joint venture between EURALAIR Airlines & Israel Aircraft Industry - Technical Director JAR145 MRO

    1998 - 1999 Introduction first B737-800 in Frrance
    Daily management of one Part 145 MRO (110 employees)
  • JETPHONE - Aeronautical joint venture between FRANCE TELECOM & BRITISH TELECOM - Technical Account Representative

    1996 - 1998 Technical account representative for South European market.
    On charge of the French TFSTS system certification to Air France (A320 & B737) and Air Inter (A320) fleets.
    On charge of these fleets retrofit & implementation.
    On charge of the product support.
  • ALTO - Group AIRLINAIR - Responsable Technique

    1992 - 1996 Maintenance as MRO under JAR 145 agreement.
    African operator support under JAA regulation & national regulation West & Central Africa.
    Caribean maintenance.
    VIP & Government aircraft full support B737 / A319 & some B707 & DC8.
  • UTA : French Airlines - Production Planning Manager

    1990 - 1992 On charge of the Production Planing tpo thiord party fleet : AEROMARITIME B737 - AIR AFRIQUE DC10 - French Army DC8 - LAUDA AIR B767.
    Acting at the cross road between UTA Depts : Flight & Fleet Program + Air Operation Schedule + Maintenance Production Planing.
    Workgroup with Air France Maintenance Dept to murge the ERP system between the 2 Depts.
  • Aerospatiale - Group AIRBUS - Central Laboratory - Non Destructive Test

    1990 - 1990 engineer internship : qualification of composit material.
    Ultrasonic NDT structural determination.
  • French Army - Lieutenant

    1988 - 1989 Platoon NCO - Tübingen - West Germany



    Levallois 1986 - 1990 Ingénieur Aeronautique ( Bac+5 )

    Aeronautical certification

    Paris 1983 - 1986 Bac + 2


Annuaire des membres :