


En résumé


I have few years of marketing experience from working for different firms in France. Over these 3 years my work involved different aspects within marketing, but also administration and customer relations. 4 years ago I left France to live in Norway and during these last few years, I have emphasized to learn the Norwegian language and culture.

What I am now looking for is a job which offers more challenges and where I can apply and further develop my experience within the field of marketing. I wish to, once again, work within the field of international marketing, an area that I strongly believe I can contribute to in a strong and positive way.

I have work experience from Norway and France. The positions I filled in France involved different aspects within sale, marketing and both establishing- and follow-up of clients.

I speak both English and Norwegian in addition to my mother tongue, French.

Yours sincerely

Angèle Pereira
+ 47 96 85 97 32

Mes compétences :
Microsoft office
Open source


  • Nettbuss Travel - Booking

    2012 - maintenant Booking of coach for tourist group around Norway and Scandinavia
    Negociation of business deal, create quotation, confirmation...
    Updating the clients database
    Make arrangements for transportation
    Selling coach travel few days program tour or hours sightseeing
    Dealing with disciplinary matters and customer complaints
  • MANPOWER - Various customer service assignments

    Nanterre cedex 2011 - 2012 Various customer service assignments, contact with norwegian and international clients
  • MENY - Department supervisor

    2011 - 2011 Department supervisor for cheese area
    Purchase goods sold in the shop
    Increase depqrtment salg and profit, reduce loss (monetary and volume)
  • SEVERAL FIRMES - Translator

    2010 - 2011 Translation of specification documents, invitation to tender ... from English and Norwegian to French
  • Big Horn Steak House - Tønsberg - Norway - Waitress

    2008 - 2010 Management of the guests
    Recommend and serve wine and food
    Take the reservations, specify guests' wishes
    Mise en place
  • Kongsberg Maritim - Horten - Norway - Substitute in a canteen

    2008 - 2011 Mise en place, cooking cold and warm food
  • PRICERUNNER - Paris - France - Traffic Manager

    2006 - 2007 Designation of publisher’s prospect
    Create partners portfolio
    Establish partners in Flux Xml and/or distribution site
    Negotiate commercial cooperation contracts
    Start-up support while creating partnerships
    Optimize for successful integration
    Follow-up statistics e.g. clicks, payment, etc.
  • CASTOR DEVELOPPEMENT – Paris, France - Customer and administration assistant

    2004 - 2006 Commercial prospecting, establish partners
    Create advertising campaign
    Occupation of administrative document
    Administrate company cars, -phones and planning of the employees
  • LA VAISSELLERIE - Paris - Shop assistant

    2003 - 2003 Training
  • DARTY – Paris, France - Shop assistant

    BONDY 2002 - 2004 Shop assistant specializing in electronic products e.g TV, etc.
    Training period
  • NATURE et DECOUVERTES – Paris, France - Sales person

    Toussus-le-Noble 2001 - 2002 Sales person in charge of cashier area
    Purchase goods sold in the shop
    Sales target handling


  • Groupe ISEFAC - ISEG Deesma Assistante marketing

    Paris 2006 - 2007 Bachelor, Arts of marketing, ISEFAC- Paris

    Diplome préparé en Alternance

  • Alt Academy BTS Assistante de gestion PME-PMI (Paris)

    Paris 2004 - 2006 BTS Assistante de gestion PME PMI

    Diplome préparé en Alternance



Annuaire des membres :