
Anne-Flore BAGÈS


En résumé

I like teamwork, various tasks, multiple projects. I love sharing personal experiences to learn from each others. I place my action in a motivating strategy in order to reach pragmatic results.
I have an operational engineering experience at site as well as managing projects. I took a deep breath out of operations in corporate R&D.
I'm now back to operational management with an open mind!

Mes compétences :
project management
Customer relation
Supply chain


  • Air Liquide - Responsable national activité conditionné chez ALSF

    Paris 2015 - maintenant In charge of the packaged gaz supply chain for medical gazes in France.

    Je cherche actuellement un responsable de maintenance (offre FR00630) et un directeur de laboratoire (offre interne FR01090). N'hésitez pas à me contacter directement pour en savoir plus !
  • Air Liquide - Chargée de mission innovation

    Paris 2013 - 2015
  • Air Liquide Engineering - Project manager

    Paris 2010 - 2013 Posco K16&P16 (South Korea)
    Managed customer relationship from initial contract signature, dealt change orders. Led a team of 15 people to design, choose, purchase and deliver the equipments for 2 Air Separation Units (ASU) within 13 months and 40M EUR budget. Included financial, fiscal & legal decisions as well as overall reporting.
    Posco K15&P15 (Korea): Took over projects' after plants' operation. Managed commercial and technical disputes with customer and suppliers to finalize these 80M EUR contracts for Posco. Analyzed root causes and persuaded senior experts towards pragmatic solutions.
    Aladin Fos & Mons (France & Belgium): Resumed these 40M EUR & 30M EUR projects for Large Industry (LI) after a year stand-by. Signed construction contracts, supervised safe commissioning & performance test, faced lack of performance, solved customer reserves' list & negotiated final acceptance. Covered one-year operation's capitalization.
  • ALE Site - Commissioning site manager

    2009 - 2010 Commissioning site manager for ALE Site Activities -
    Managed technical relation with Posco customer daily, led safely the site intercultural team of 8 supervisors. Anticipated the technical tasks, resource needs & customer reluctances, reached 3 750 tons ASU (argon) successful performance test, handed over to operations.
  • ALHZ (Hangzhou) - Deputy commissioning site manager

    2008 - 2009 Managed site commissioning planning, required resources and safely led supervisors'
    team of 25 Chinese to reach performances of 2 ASUs of 2000 tons within record time.
    Negotiated availability of utilities with for AL China and final gas customer, Shagang.
  • Large Industry Europe (LIE) - Project developer

    2008 - 2008 Challenged experts' innovative propositions for a cogeneration power plant operated by LI for Shell in the Netherlands. Demonstrated the CAPEX/OPEX benefits of 2 solutions for energy efficiency & steam quality improvements. Launched projects' execution.
  • ALE Site - Commissioning engineer

    2006 - 2008 Commissioning engineer for ALE Site Activities -
    Actively participated in the start-up activities of several industrial facilities: Steam Methane Reformer (SMR) and ASUs. Gained valuable experience in pre-commissioning, start-up and testing of plant equipments. Assumed increasing responsibilities up to zone leader.
  • Thales - Laser development - Intern

    Courbevoie 2005 - 2006
  • University of Toronto - Solar tracker development - intern

    2004 - 2004
  • Ingénieur Sans Frontière - Project manager

    NOISY LE GRAND 2002 - 2004 student non profit organisation
    led team of 8 for 2 years, 6-week mission to Burkina Fasso to open a health center


  • Imperial College (London)

    London 2004 - 2005 Master of Science
  • Ecole Polytechnique

    Palaiseau 2001 - 2004 Masters Degree


Annuaire des membres :