Communicator with MSc in Bioscience and > 8 years of engaging KOL and disseminating bioscience. Background also includes mentoring and presenting at national and international meetings. Enthusiastically builds trusted partnership relationships with external and internal customers to accomplish the goals and help the physicians keep being at the forefront of the bioscience.
Key Achievements
• Successfully re-engaged national KOL with the clinical trial goals leading to their positive impact to the other clinical sites.
• Successfully engaged country based physicians with patient enrolment goals in a complex clinical trial.
• KOL management and information about study drug and science over the clinical study period.
Mes compétences :
Recherche clinique
Gestion de projet
Industrie pharmaceutique
Pilotage d'activité
Communication externe
Médiation scientifique
Management opérationnel
Gestion d'équipe
Gestion de la relation client